SAP HANA Cloud Portal – Q2 2014 Release Highlights: I’d like to share with you the great innovations and enhancements delivered with the latest SAP HANA Cloud Portal releases. As described in my Cloud Portal new years’ release summary blog, for some capabilities, it was just a kick start, while we can now clearly see the end state and the great benefit it gives our customers, partners and stakeholders.

Page Template Editing

SAP HANA Cloud Portal is delivered with a set of out-of-the-box page templates that enable the site author to unify the look-and-feel across the site pages by reusing the same page elements and layout. Page templates contain the following parts: content area, header, footer and side panels.

With the new page-template editing capabilities, you can easily customize a selected page template and save the modified template for use in the site. You can perform the following actions on the template containers:

  • Resize and remove the header, footer, and side panels as needed
  • Add widgets from the Content Catalog
  • Move and resize widgets
  • Remove widgets from the page template
  • Configure the widget anchor – bring to front/ send to back

To learn more about the page-template editing option, you can refer to this blog in SCN.

Role-Based Authorizations

We’ve taken quite a big step in implementing a new roles and authorizations mechanism to manage user access and permissions at the site and page levels. The existing authorization mechanism has been enhanced to support the following role types:

  • Technical Roles – Cloud Portal roles for maintaining account administrators and site creators.
  • Organizational Roles – roles defined and managed in the HANA Cloud Platform (HCP) cockpit to restrict access to Cloud Portal sites and pages.
  • Site Guests – an organizational role at site level, used to manage end users within Cloud Portal; it uses the invitation mechanism to provide access to the users who are assigned the site guest role.

More information about the new roles and permissions mechanism in Cloud Portal can be found in this blog.

Site Navigation Menu

Based on the page template in use, site authors can now select the desired navigation menu from the navigation menu widgets available in the Content Catalog (e.g. horizontal menu or navigation menu). The site navigation menu can be customized to include the following options:

  • Page – a standard link to a site page
  • Title – serves to group sub-pages
  • Link – used to navigate to a defined external Web link

Developer Experience

  • Enable auto-discovery of protected widgets – you can choose to deploy your widget to HANA Cloud and have it automatically discovered in Cloud Portal. The result is that the widget is displayed directly in the list of available widgets in the Content Catalog, for use by the site author. It is now possible to auto-discover widgets that require authentication by the user without the need to adjust the URL of the widget in the Content Catalog.
  • New OpenSocial APIs have been added to the existing range of features available for Cloud Portal developers, such as system busy indicator, login/ logout, get site hierarchy etc. For more information see: API Documentation

Try New Apps in your SuccessFactors Instance

SAP HANA Cloud Platform, extension package for SuccessFactors enables customers, partners and developers to extend their SuccessFactors solutions and build entirely new HR applications to better fit their business needs. We can already see some new innovative solutions built on top of this extension platform, such as the Accenture HR Audit and Compliance, Corporate Benefits or EnterpriseJungle.

With the latest release of the extension package (HANA Cloud Platform and Cloud Portal) and SuccessFactors, you can easily discover and even try new extension applications available in the SAP HANA Marketplace, within your SuccessFactors instance. Once you tried the application and found it beneficial for your organization, you can buy it directly from the SAP HANA Marketplace and start using it.

For more information check out the Cloud Portal Release Notes.


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