SAP Hybris Marketing integration with AWS-SES Email provider
Applies to:
SAP Hybris Marketing: For more information, visit
Summary: This article explains SAP Hybris Marketing integration with AWS-SES which is used for email campaigns , newsletter and utilizes AWS-SES various features : such avoid SPAMs, Bounce, complaints etc
Authors: Akhilendra Pratap Singh
Company: Mindtree Bangalore
Created on: 15/06/2016
Author Bio
Akhilendra Pratap Singh is working as Sr. Functional Consultant at Mindtree Bangalore and has expertise in the areas of SAP SD, SAP CRM, SAP C4C and SAP Hybris Marketing . He is SAP SD and CRM Certified professional with around 16.5 years of experience.
SAP Hybris Marketing (1602 onwards) supports two email Service providers for Email Campaign management, namely: AWS-SES and SAP Mobile Service for Email. This paper will cover end to end integration of SAP Hybris Marketing with AWS- SES and is based on SAP Hybris Marketing 1511.
In order to set up the AWS- SES email service provider, you will have to do configurations in:
- SAP Hybris Marketing Customizing
- Amazon service for emails, notifications and queues and
- Amazon Web Service Account for the Simple Email Service (SES) using http (not smtp)
- You have created an AWS account or has been setup by your BASIS team and you are provided with Login Id and Password.
- Login to with your credentials and configure a verified sender email address. You will need this when you define a sender profile later on.
3. For the verified sender email address, edit the Notification Configuration and create a new Amazon SNS topic, eg bounces and complaints. Give the new topic the same name as the feedback queue. For example : AMAZON_BOUNCE
4.. In the Sender Notification Configuration, assign the SNS topic and disable Email Feedback Forwarding.
After Saving the config ARN will be generated as shown below:
5. In the SQS console, create a new queue with the same name you gave the feedback queue in technical configuration.
6. Subscribe to new queue to the SNS topic you created earlier.
Go to your AWS -SES Account and click on Security Credentials
Now you should create an IAM Users required to send or used in Sender Profile. It’s advisable to use IAM users to send emails as you can control the permissions/ authorizations.
- Steps to create an IAM User
- Enter the user Names and Click the check box to “Generate an access key for each users” and then click on create ,as shown below:
- Security Credentials Created for IAM Users.
7. Now You have set an account up at Amazon AWS-SES and received following parameters during account set-up:
- Amazon Access Key ID (hash string)
- Secret Access Key (hash string)
- Feedback Queue Path : see below for details
The Feedback Queue Path is the last individual portion of the queue URL at Amazon.
For example, the path from is /NNNNNNNNNNNN/ABC. is /NNNNNNNNNNNN/ABC.
Identify Feedback Queue Path for you Hybris Mkt System :
8. Set up a Group so that you can assign Policies to Users. For Example “Administrator” and assign all the admin policies.
9. Select from the Policies to attach it to Group Created in above step and click next.
10. Assign Users to the Group
Steps for AWS-SES HTTPS RFC connection setup and Download X.509 certificate for STRUST (SSL Certificates)
Following steps needs to be setup in SAP Hybris
- Import Amazon SES SSL Certificates in the Trust Store
- Download SSL Certificates for your AMAZON SES target host (you can download the SSL certificate by opening the target host URL in your internet browser and downloading the SSL certificate)
- Import the certificate into the PSE as described in Creating the Anonymous SSL Client PSE. You find this topic under NetWeaver PlatformSAP NetWeaver 7.0Application HelpFunction-Oriented ViewSecurityNetwork and Transport Layer
- SecurityTransport Layer Security on the AS ABAPConfiguring the SAP Web AS for Supporting SSLCreating the Anonymous SSL Client PSE.
- Set SSL to Active for RFC destinations AMAZONMAIL, AMAZONBOUNCE.
- Select the certificate list to which you uploaded the certificates.
- Test the AMAZONMAIL RFC destination. If you receive an HTTP response code 404, then the set up is correct
Follow the below steps to Download Certificates and apply to Hybris Mkt system
1. Open URL: in Chrome and Open developer tools , as shown below:
2. Navigate to Security tab.
3. Choose ‘view certificate’ and save the certificate locally:
4.Store it as Base-64 file:
5. Login in to Hybris Mkt System and Import the certificate in Strust: ( tcode: strust)
6. Setup RFC connection: ( Tcode: SM59)
Check the Security options in Logon and Security TAB, it should be “ Anonymous SSL..”
7. Perform the connection test and you should get HTTP response 404, which confirms connectivity to Amazon Server has been established and now you can send email/ execute email campaign .
- To maintain / change Access key and Secret access key of IAM user in Hybris MKt
- You would not like that all the Target Group members (Contacts) should receive emails when you execute an email campaign , while you are working on Development System, To avoid that :
- You should maintain multiple test email id,(Tcode: ME_WHITELIST) whichare verified in AWS- SES (if you are still in Sand Box)
1) SAP Hybris Marketing Installation Guide1511
2) AWS Developers Guide
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