SAP MRS : How to influence travel time creation via optimizer in the non-availability of resources
You are using SAP MRS (MultiResource Scheduling) with optimizer to automatically create assignments for the demands.
You have also enabled travel times in MRS and wish to influence the creation of travel times in the non-availability of resources ,
please follow the below steps, attached screenshots can be of some help.
1. Go to this IMG node in MRS configuration transaction: /n/MRSS/IMG
2. Traverse to the IMG node Optimizer and Travel Times -> Optimizer -> Define RP-Node-Based Optimization Parameters for Resources
3. Check the “Travel Time” check box
USE: This check box influences whether the optimizer will create travel time in the resource non-availability.
4. In the field “Travel Time(Work Start) specify how many minutes of travel time a resource can have before it is actually available.
5. In the field “Travel Time(work End) specify how many minutes of travel time a resource can have after it is actually available.
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