Below are the steps to display a PDF in UI5 application.

  • Create a new SAPUI5 Application



  • Select SAPUI5 Application Development and click on Application Project.

  • Click on next and Give a valid name to project. Select the options as shown below.

  • Click Next and give a valid name to view and click on finish.

  • Write below code in pdf.view.js file’s create content section.


   createContent : function(oController) {             var html = new sap.ui.core.HTML();             html.setContent("
");             return new sap.m.Page({                   title : "PDF View",                   showNavButton : true,                   navButtonPress : oController.fnGoback,                   content : [ html ],                   footer : new sap.m.Bar({                   })             });       }

  • Write below code in pdf.controller.js file

onAfterRendering: function() {
            var pdfUrl = "";
                              'height': isNaN(window.innerHeight)?window.clientHeight :window.innerHeight,
                              'height': isNaN(window.innerHeight)?window.clientHeight :window.innerHeight,

  • Run application

  • Output

Note : This code works on all the devices.



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