Service Availability Management – Reporting
Service Availability Management Reporting: In the last blog we talked about outages. Here we will discuss on how the outages can be processed.
Outages can have statuses like:
New – indicates newly created outages
In Process – being worked up on by an IT employee who is enriching or adjusting the outage details
To be reviewed – once the data is enriched, data is verified before it is confirmed
Confirmed – these outages are part of availability reporting
Rejected – not considered for reporting
Service Availability is a result of all outages which happened during the related reporting period until current day of current reporting period, but occurred outside the agreed Contractual maintenance period.
How Service Availability is measured
Unplanned outage(SLA relevant)
- c) „ABAP System Availability“ 02.3.2016 6:42 – 8:57 = 135 min
DH = Total of all Downtimes 975 Min (a+b+c)
SDH = 840 Min (a+b)
TH = March = 31 days = 744h (=44640Min)
TA= (1- (975min-840min)/44640min) = 99,69% for the system in march
Here is a typical system availability chart :
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