Setting WPC Pages and Areas as Portal Entry Points: In SAP NetWeaver  7.3 SP09 a new WPC connection was created which supports not only areas but also pages. This means that you can now directly connect a WPC page to a portal role.

Moreover, with this new connection you can set both WPC pages and areas as portal entry points, enabling users to see WPC pages and areas in the first level of the navigation structure.

In order to set a WPC page as an entry point the following steps should be followed:

Create a WPC page within an area and copy the Page ID from the page’s General Properties editor.



In the Role editor click New -> Connection, and add the Page ID as the connection target.




A new connection will appear in the editor. Set it as an entry point.






1. Make sure that the role is not set as entry point otherwise the role will appear in the first level and the page will appear one level lower.

2. Connections created in an SP08 system and transported to SP09 system cannot be set as entry points (the checkbox is disabled).

All you need to do is to publish the area and the page, and assign the role to the users.

The page will appear in the first level of navigation structure.




Another great thing is that because you can set a WPC pages and areas as entry points, you can consume them in Portal on Device.

In our example, if you will edit the Mobile Perspective and Filter ID properties of the connection you could use the WPC page as a Home Page in Portal on Device:


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