Simplify Sales Order Creation (VA01) in 60 minutes
Let’s get our hands dirty by taking an example case of “Create Sales Order” – VA01 Transaction of SAP ERP. Using GuiXT, I’ll demonstrate how you can go about simplifying the entire Transaction.
Step 1: Create a quick jump button for the user on a start/dashboard screen.
// Clear the screen
// Add button for the process that will fire VA01 on clicking, and any more you wish to add
Pushbutton (1,0) “Create Sales Order” “/nva01″ size=”2”
Pushbutton (1,35) “OBD ” “/nvl01n” size=”2″
Step 2: Simplify Entry Screen.
First Screen of VA01 – Let’s do the following…
- Add default value(s) for quicker input if applicable
- Hide unwanted/default fields from screen
- Limit user choice for data input
File: SAPMV45A.E0101.TXT
// Set default value in Order Type field
Default F[Order Type] “OR” // Standard order
// Remove Group Box with all fields
Del G[Organizational Data]
// Assign smart Radio buttons for automatic data entry in required fields
// Add two radio buttons that enter appropriate values in SAles Org, Distr Channel and Division fields, when clicked
Radiobutton (2,0) “General orders” name=”g_radio” [Sales Organization] “0001” [Distribution Channel] “01” [Division] “01”
Radiobutton (2,25) “HQ” name=”g_radio” [Sales Organization] “1000” [Distribution Channel] “10” [Division] “10”
Step 3: Simplify Main Screen.
Second screen of VA01 – let’s do the following…
- Change some labels to user-friendly text
- Reduce number of columns in the Table
- Hide unwanted TABs and fields from screen
- Add more functionality and integration
File: SAPMV45A.E4001.TXT
// Change sold-to party to “customer”
Text F[Sold-to party] “Customer”
// Identify unwanted columns and hide them by numbers or names as reference
ColumnWidth [All items,ItCa] 0
ColumnWidth [All items,Material group] 0
ColumnWidth …
// Remove unwanted TABs
Del P[Item overview]
Del P[Item detail]
Del …
// Add “import from excel” functionality to populate the table rows faster
// The specific implementation can vary, so the entire logic is excluded from here
// “import_data.txt” is a program that has to be written to your specific requirement
Pushbutton (col,row) “Import from Excel” “/0″ process=”import_data.txt”
// Add “create delivery” functionality in toolbar; you can add more…like “post goods issue” etc…
// Inside specific script text files, you need to specify the user actions for the scripts to execute
Pushbutton (Toolbar) “SAVE and Create Delivery” “/0″ process=”save_and_create_delivery.txt”
File: Save_And_Create_Delivery.TXT
// If the user step is to save the order and then click on a menu item to create delivery, the same has to reflect within this script
Screen SAPMV45A.4001
Enter “/11”
Screen SAPMV45A.4001
Enter “/Menu=1,7”
NOTE: The above is a sample work, which may not be directly applicable to your case. But remember, once you know what you want, you can pretty much cook-up a better productive process within 60 minutes, using GuiXT. Many more avenues of consolidation are possible – we’ll cover them as we proceed to write more on this forum. I’ve plans to throw many more examples that will help you as a guideline; if there’s a specific confusion or requirement, I’ll be happy to respond accordingly.
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