SAP Smart Business service with IoT Application Enablement
SAP Smart Business is a framework for exposing strategic (key) and operational performance indicators (KPIs, OPIs) as Analytical content(chart/tiles) without the need to write any code.
It can be used by customers, partners and SAP’s development teams for making highly aggregated analytical data embedded within any UI5 application. For more overview on smartbusiness you can check following blogs:
To know more about embedded analytics feature you can follow this blog series:
Recently SAP has released smartbusiness embedded analytical controls packaged with SAP IoT Application Enablement. To know more about SAP IoT application enablement you can go through help doc:
IoT provides analytical odata service based on data collected from sensors. IoT Application Services provide Fiorilaunchpad for each subscribed SaaS tenant. Launchpad contains application to model things(IoT) as well as smartbusiness KPI/Evaluations. URL pattern of Launchpad might look like :
With proper authorization user can model smartbusiness entities which can be consumed as analytical content in UI5 application. Once things and KPI are configured it can be used to build application using webIDE which is provided as service in SCP neo/classic. IoT AE has released plugin with webide which provides IoT controls along with smartbusiness and few other UI5 controls. To know more details about webide integration with smartbusiness and IoT please follow:
To use smartbusiness content you need to configure roles and destination.
Role configuration for smartbusiness:
Once SaaS tenant has subscribed to iot and smartbusiness, admin tool for xsuaa’s role builder will get role templates from smartbusiness under iot application(iotas)
URL pattern for admin tool :
Roles which we have created out of role template in xs-security.json are:
- $( XSAPPNAME)_Services_SmartBusinessModeler (it’s default instance)
- $(XSAPPNAME)_Services_SmartBusinessAdministrator (default instance)
- $( XSAPPNAME)_Services_SmartBusinessAlertSubscriber (default instance)
- $( XSAPPNAME)_Services_SmartBusinessDeveloper (default instance)
Custom roles with attribute
- $( XSAPPNAME)_SmartBusiness_Administrator_Fiori_Launchpad attribute key : siteGroupRoles value : SmartBusinessAdministrator
- $( XSAPPNAME)_SmartBusiness_Modeler_Fiori_Launchpad attribute key : siteGroupRoles value : SmartBusinessModeler
- $( XSAPPNAME)_SmartBusiness_AlertSubscriber_Fiori_Launchpad attribute key : siteGroupRoles value : SmartBusinessAlertSubscriber
All above 7 created roles should be added to role collection
Newly created role template should be mapped to user group and finally users can be added to user group. Once user is added to user group, he/she should be able to model KPI/evaluations.
Role collection:
Mapping of role collection to user group:
Configuration of destination for webide usage.
The number of properties to be configured is different for reuse controls and for backend services. The following tables provide information on configuring the services and controls. Destinations must be configured in a neo account where Web IDE is used. Details about smartbusiness specific destinations.
Once these things are done you can open webide fullstack and start consuming analytical controls in IoT context.
Preview of how smartbusiness controls look like in webide:
Under control section if you see: KPIs has 7 controls all providing different visualization for analytical content. And under chart, Analytical chart provides smartbusiness chart based on KPI modeled.
To know more about Smart Business Service, refer to the articles
Smart Business Service
Note: In case you face any issue with Smart Business Service, you can create an Incident on SAP Support Portal with the components: CA-GTF-SB-HCP. You may also contact Smart Business team at .