In my last blog, I wrote about the forthcoming Joint OpenSocial/W3C Workshop in Social Business. I am pleased to report that the Program Committee has just met and we have now set what I consider a very exciting agenda. The presentations will be given in a panel setting with each presenter given 10 minutes then a collective 45 minutes of Q&A/Brainstorming.  Presentations include those from SAP, Ford, IBM, Azteria, Crushpath, BITS/Financial Services, University of San Francisco, Memect, AT&T, Orange Labs, Oracle, W20 Digital, Google, NTUA, Jive, AppFusions, Mozilla, IndieWeb, Status.Net, ID3.  Presentations are grouped into the following categories:

  • Social Business Architecture – What is a social business? What is its overall architecture and what are the strategic impacts of standards on this architecture?
  • Use Cases and Requirements – What are current requirements and enterprise social network use-cases?
  • Social Standards Architecture – What is the architecture that can drive the future of the social standards to a new round of innovation in social business?
  • Federating the Social Web – A number of standards and meta-standards (OStatus, ActivityStreams, Pubsubhub, PortableContracts, Open Graph Protocol) have been created to build a federated social web: What are their next steps?
  • OpenSocial State of the Union and Next Steps – Open Social is the foremost API for enterprise social applications.  What are the next steps for OpenSocial in the context of new developments in HTML5 like Web Components?
  • Running Code – The IndieWeb camps and Federated Social Web Summits have brought together many coders working on creating running code and websites to demonstrate an Open Social Web

the full agenda, including dowload links for the various workshop presentations, can be found here.

I will be presenting during the Social Business Architecture session, and moderating the Federating the Social Web session.  Once you take a look at the agenda, if there are any questions you would want me to ask in your behalf to any of the presenters, just send them along and I will not only ask, but post the responses in a post workshop blog.

Better yet, if you are in the SF area the week of 5 August, please join us.  Both the topics and the venue promise a fun, educational, and forward thinking time. There is no charge for the workshop, and meals are included.  You can register here.

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