
Here is the second part of this SAP BC admin for beginners blog series : how to start/stop an SAP instance on WINDOWS/SQLServer

1. Stop SAP & SQLServer

Connect to the operating system as sidadm,

  • Start the SAP Management console :

  • Stop the diagnostic agent ( DAA )

Right click on the instance and select stop  : 

Enter the requested password

This instance is made of a few processes and should stop within a few seconds.

The diagnostic instance is then stopped.

  • Stop the SAP instance :

Right click on the instance and select stop :

This is the SAP applicative instance. Here, Solution manager in this example.

It is made of ABAP and JAVA processes.

Stopping this SAP instance will take more time, up to a few minutes.You can check the ABAP processes shutdown here :

You can check the JAVA processes shutdown here :

The SAP instance is then fully stopped :

  • Stop the SQLServer database instance using SQL Server Management Studio as user sidadm :

The authentification to the database is done through the windows operating system authentification:

Once connected, right click on the SID database and do the following choices:

The database is then stopped.

  • You can stop the instance in order to perform a full stop :

The application and database are then stopped. You can stop the server now.

Also see the following blog posts for the complete procedure :



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