Steps involved in creation of HAWA material and vendor info record
Steps involved in creation of HAWA material and vendor info record
Steps involved in creation of HAWA material and vendor info record: When the user does not want to use IDOC’s for the creation of the material and would want to use Java or ABAP Web dyn pro , then we have to create the material in SAP using only BAPI’s and function modules. The below document has the detailed steps of what BAPI’s and function modules to be used and the values that needs to be populated into it.
Creation of HAWA material: BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEDATA can be used to create the material.
For the creation of the material , material number is mandatory. Hence first create the material using BAPI : ‘BAPI_MATERIAL_GETINTNUMBER’
Then , fill into data for the material creation Bapi and call it .
Once the material is created we can create the text using SAVE_TEXT function module .
Creation of vendor info record using function modules
In order to create the vendor info record we need to execute 5 function modules in sequence.
The sequence is as shown below
Parameters to be passed to the function module ME_MAINTAIN_INFORECORD
1. Activity = ‘V’
2. Values to EINA and EINE tables
3. If you want to change an existing value make sure you give in info record number and also maintain the tables’ o_eina and o_eine
4. Values i_vorga will be A and i_skip_nr_check should be ‘X’
After the execution if the values are returned to the importing parameters EINA and EINE then info record values are valid.
Further to the function module ME_POST_INFORECORD pass the material number for which the info record needs to be created and execute it. You will receive the values created in the EINA table of this function module which will have a new info record number of the created info record.
Screen shot of the material created:
Creation of the Vendor Info Record
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