STO – Stock Transfer Brazil
STO is the intracompany process to transfer materials, between one plant to another within the same company with the same company code.
** Inter/Cross Company is not supported because it has not been localized.
The most common scenario goes as follows:
- VL10B Delivery Creation
- VL02N Outgoing movement 862
- MIGO Incoming movement 861
Important Notes:
123124 – LSA BR:5th v. Customizing of Brazilian movement types
- This note contains the report that updates the Brazilian movement to its standard configuration.
199233 – Transfer with stock transfer order
888805 – CBT: Stock transfer with stock transport order
- The plans must be set one as a customer and the other as the vendor.
- On view J_1BIM02V the movements 861, 861, 863 e 864 must have the NF relevance field set as ‘U’.
- Transaction OMJJ ha slots of configurations for movements.
- Posting string (J1BTAX>>>NF>>>Inventory Management>>>IM Posting Strings) field ‘line item ID’ must be set as T or D.
- Taxes do not match. (incoming x outgoing).
- Lots of customer open incident asking why the values do not match. As this is not hard coded the values can change from one document to another. So it is necessary to check your setting to find out why the taxes are different.
DEBUG tips:
- SE80>>>Function Group>>>J1BN>>>Function Module>>>J_1B_IM_TX_CALCULATE_TAX_NEW
- For all calculation routines related to material movement can be see in this FM and it is where it starts the interface with FI.
- SE37>>>Function Module>>> CALCULATE_TAX_ITEM
- Where the KOMP and KONK will be filled.
- SE80>>> Function Group>>>J1BF>>>Include LJ1BFF01
- In this include the NF is created.
- SE80>>> Function Group>>>MBGB>>> Subroutine>>> FORM AUSGABE (INCLUDE LMBGBFSU)
- This include you can find out issues regarding accounting posting and the famous balance error.
For more information check our out WIKI:
Stock Transport Order – STO – Localization Latin America – SCN Wiki
For post in Portuguese check out this link.
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