Sometimes it’s a user requirement to personalize the settings like hide, change the sequence and width of columns in some transaction or creation of their own variants. The same we can do it via Table Control Settings which is the standard functionality in SAP, shows like a multicolored icon and appears at the upper right most corner of the transaction. Mostly users want to hide Cost Price in Invoice overview (VF01) and Net Price in Sale Order (VA01) so for that this is the best option.



  • Making the columns invisible.
  • Changing the position/width of any column.
  • Adjusting the fixed number of columns.


Users with authorization object ‘S_ADMI_FCD‘ and ‘TCTR‘ activity are only authorized to create the layout for Table Control as a standard setting which will be considered as global settings for all users. For the configuration please pursue with the following steps:

1.  After opening the desired transaction, click the Table Control icon you will get the dialog box for Table Settings, under Maintain Variants give some variant name and click on Administrator.

2.  Here suppose my requirement is to hide the ‘Net Price’ Field in VA01 so i’ll simply check the invisible box for that specific field. This screen displays the technical field name along with its position and length.

3.  Click on ‘Activate and you are done. If you choose close without activation, settings remain unchanged. After this, layout will be set as default one every time the users hits that particular transaction with newly defined settings.

You can also try other attributes as mentioned above under advantages for Table Control configuration and the same includes:


  • Make invisible extra columns.
  • Hide or display the gridlines.
  • Configuring the number of fixed columns.




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