Test your skills and match up against the others.

  1. Register as a Job Seeker at https://www.erpgenie.com      (no need to load a resume unless you are looking for a job)
  2. Log In
  3. In the Main Menu, select Jobs and Resumes or Click Dashboard on the      top menu (https://www.erpgenie.com/jobs-and-resumes)
  4. Click the “Take Exam” icon (PS: The Exams ARE      challenging!!!)
    Each Exam is up to 25 questions in length and comprise “True /      False”, “Select One” or “Select Many” types of      questions.

Once you have taken the exam go to the Home Page and check out the tab “Hall  of Fame” to see if you made it in to the top 10. (There may be a delay  due to Caching)

4 “Titles” are recognized by ERPGenie.COM:

  • ERPGenie Top Dog = Highest score of all
  • ERPGenie Gold = Top 3
  • ERPGenie Silver = 4th to 6th
  • ERPGenie Bronze = 7th to 10th

Available Exams:

  1. PP / QM
  2. ABAP
  3. EDI
  4. XI
  5. SRM
  6. SAP Event Management
  7. FICO
  8. SD
  9. Workflow
  10. BW
  11. Solution Manager

That’s it, have some fun with it and publish your bragging rights on your resume ????

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