Trick to export PI7.3 mappings as a .XIM File
Exporting/importing X(P)I mappings as XIM files has been a practice by PI developers since XI3.0 version. But, unfortunately SAP has disabled this feature from PI7.1/3 onwards. During my recent exploration on hidden tools in X(P)I, I found the shortcut (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT 0) for exporting/importing PI7.1 mappings. But however, this shortcut key combination still does not work for PI7.3 ????
So, is there a way we can change this behavior for PI7.3 without touching any server settings? Well, the answer is Yes to some extent i.e., at least, we can export PI7.3 mappings as XIM files ???? (as I do not yet know the procedure to import XIM files in PI7.3 )
The below procedure explains, how to export PI7.3 mappings as XIM files,
- First, refer my previous blog to know how to launch repository(ESR)/directory frameworks with a batch file :
- Assuming, you have access to both PI7.1/PI7.3 systems. Follow, the above blog procedure (CTRL+SHIFT+ALT J) to download PI7.1 and PI7.3 client jars, property and batch files in separate directories. E.g., C:PI7.1 for 7.1 and C:PI7.3 for 7.3
- Now it is time to perform the trick ???? to export PI7.3 mappings as XIM files. Copy the file from PI7.1 directory to PI7.3 directory
- Now, launch the PI7.3 repository/ESR batch file and then open any existing mapping to export it as a XIM file. As usual, press CTRL+SHIFT+ALT 0 to export mappings as a XIM file (The only exception with this procedure is that we cannot import XIM files. Yet to find why import button does not show-up, may be some setting is required in PI7.3 server J to enable import button option)
5. Also, with CTRL+SHIFT+RIGHT-CLICK (mouse) we can still have local compilation, color schema and JarClassTest options as shown in below snap shot.
Note: The above procedure is not recommended for production PI systems.
Update (7:17 PM CET, 9/20/2014): I have tested this trick procedure with latest PO7.4 version as well and it works perfectly, with the PI7.1 jar file @ – Box
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