Voting for 9th Annual SAP4U Excellence in Utilities Awards ends soon!
Every year since our inaugural SAP for Utilities Conference in 2007, SAP has made sure to recognize the amazing contributions that utilities organizations have on the communities they serve. We’re truly lucky to work with an industry that continually meets the evolving demands of their customers, and embraces digital disruption as the best way to do so. While each utility we work alongside has a reason to be recognized, we have narrowed down the nominations to include twenty unique and exceptional organizations. It is our privilege to announce the 2016 SAP4U Excellence in Utilities Award Nominees, and ask that you help us honor them by castting your vote today!
Utility of the Year Award
Customer Engagement Award [NEW!]
Digital Disrupter Individal Award [NEW!]
SAP Partner of the Year Award
Rookie of the Year Award [NEW!]
Each unique winner will receive a complimentary pass to SAP4U, an award, and big-time conference recognition at our Evening Under the Stars reception.
If you’ve yet to register for SAP for Utilities, join us! Already, over 700 utility professionals, thought leaders, partners, and SAP experts have booked their flight to the beautiful Huntington Beach, California – where we will be hosting our 9th annual conference. All in attendance will have the opportunity to:
-Choose from over 60+ content-rich sessions that span the entirety of the utility organization, from procurement and analytics, to HR and finance.
-Take part in a charity 5k run/walk on the beautiful beach boardwalk during sunset – all proceeds benefit local non-profit, 2-1-1 San Diego.
-Hear from leaders at EDF Renewable Energy, PG&E, the Department of Homeland Security, and special keynote – a 2-time winning Super Bowl Champion Quarterback. Curious who? Find out!
Again, congratulations to all of our nominees! Voting will close on Sunday, Septembet 18 – and winners will be notified that same week. Thank you to all those who participate, and can’t wait to see you in October! Vote Today!
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