Many people have been asking the SAP Education team, “What’s new in SAP HANA 2.0,” and “Where can I get training on the updates?” To answer the second question first, new training for SAP HANA 2.0 is available on our public schedule, and you can find it at our training website,

For the first question, we contacted Jay Cramblet, one of SAP’s top SAP HANA instructors. He gave us the following quick rundown on what’s new in SAP HANA 2.0.

First, SAP HANA 2.0 offers advances in redo log encryption and backup encryption, an enhanced Workload Analyzer, and enhancements to the performance monitors in SAP HANA cockpit. New features include an SQL Analyzer in SAP HANA cockpit, workload management to control resource usage by applying processing limits, and support for LDAP-compliant authorization. SAP also introduced enhancements to SAP HANA’s development environment including the graph/planning engine, new features in the geospatial engine, new SQL functions for hierarchies, and new features for text search, analysis, and mining.

Perhaps the most obvious change is to the user interface. SAP HANA studio will be replaced by new, web-based tools including SAP HANA cockpit for administrators, and the Web Workbench (IDE) for modelers and developers. Moving forward, the pace of new support package stacks (SPS) of HANA is expected to slow to one a year. SAP HANA can be upgraded to version 2.0 from any version 1.0 system at SPS 10 or above.

Looking for training suggestions?

While you can always go to, if you’d like additional detail about SAP HANA 2.0, our HA200 course may be a good place to start. Or, if you’ve already had SAP HANA 1.0 experience, check out our SAP HANA 2.0 Technology Delta (HATD20) course.

I hope this is helpful!

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