This blog describes the resource and size limits for JMS resources used in the JMS and AS2 adapter, that can be used in Cloud Platform Integration Enterprise Edition. It describes which limits apply and how to monitor them. It also gives some guidance on how to cleanup the resources.

JMS Resource and Size Limits

The connected JMS messaging instance, that is used in asynchronous messaging scenarios using with the JMS or AS2 Adapter has limited resources. The Enterprise License sets a limit on the queues, storage and connections that you can use in the messaging instance.

There are also technical restrictions on the size of the headers and exchange properties that can be stored in the JMS queue.

Resource Limits for CPI Enterprise Edition

In the CPI Enterprise Edition, a dedicated set of resources is available in the JMS instance. Keep this in mind when configuring and running your scenarios.

  • Maximum number of queues: 28
  • Queue Capacity: 5GB

Number of Queues

JMS queues are used by the JMS and AS2 adapter. When the first integration flow that uses a JMS queue is deployed, the queue is created in the messaging broker. The queue can then be used for sending messages into the queue and for consuming messages from the queue.

You can monitor the queues that are available in the broker in the Queue Monitor, in the Manage Storages section in the Operations view.

Queue Deletion

If you no longer need a specific queue, (for example if the integration flow has been undeployed), you have to delete the queue manually in the Queue Monitor.

If the queue limit has been reached, you can check for unused queues and delete them. For more information about checks for unused queues, see the blog ‘Checks in Queue Monitor’.

Queue Capacity

The total queue capacity used by all the scenarios can also be monitored in the Queue Monitor. At the top of the screen, you can see how much of the available capacity is being used.

The master view of the monitor shows how this capacity is distributed between the queues. The Size column displays the size of all messages in this queue.

If the capacity used reaches 80% of the total capacity available, the message appears as a yellow warning message. If 100% of the available capacity is used, it appears as a red error message.

If the limit is reached, messages can no longer be processed, so you need to keep an eye on this value. Make sure that there are no messages stuck in queues!

Size Limits for Messages, Headers, Properties and Attachments

The following size limits apply when saving messages to JMS queues.

  • There are no size limits for the payload. The message is split internally when it is put into the queue
  • There are no size limits for the attachements. The message and attachment are split internally when put into the queue
  • Headers and exchange properties defined in the integration flow before the message is saved to queue must not exceed 4MB for headers and properties together.

Important: As mentioned, there are no hard size limits for payload and attachments, but you need to keep in mind that processing the message in the CPI runtime may limit the possible size of payload and attachments for your scenario. You as scenario developer have to test and restrict the limits your scenario can handle!

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