Debugging tips: Error message FF793 – ‘SYST: Tax jurisdiction code at lowest level not transferred’
This error message FF793 is related to tax conditions with tax jurisdiction active. The error message is raised when in VF02 the invoice should be released to accounting:
Analysis procedure
1. Check where the error message is raised
Here the error is raised in the FI area, in Include LTAX2F01, FORM CHECK_BSEG_BSET which is called in function module FI_TAX_CALCULATION. Therefore with breakpoints we start here:
The cause of this error can be seen in this coding. Tax jurisdiction is active for the company code (lv_isactive = X) and for the tax condition ZGST the field TXJDP (“Tax Jurisdiction Code – Jurisdiction for Lowest Level Tax” , here: -txjdp) is not filled. Then the error is raised.
The call stack looks like this:
2. Find the root cause
To find out what causes the error, we have to go back to function modules RV_ACCOUNTING_DOCUMENT_CREATE and AC_DOCUMENT_CREATE, to check the tax conditions.
The two shown tables XACCIT and XACCCR contain the data that is transferred to FI, the link between the two tables is POSNR:
Here it can be seen that ZGST is a tax condition and TXJDP is not filled.
In the other table the values can be found:
Responsible for the error is the empty field TXJDP for tax condition ZGST.
To find out why the field had not been filled, we have to check the Include LV60BF00, FORM ACCOUNTING_TAX_LINE, because in the standard coding here the filling should be done:
Taxjurisdiction is active, the first step is to fill xaccit-txjcd according to the condition category (XKOMV-KNTYP). For taxjurisdiction tax conditions the categories 1 – 4 are used (V/06 field T685A-KNTYP):
1 = Tax JurDic level 1 (with license check KNVL)
2 = Tax JurDic level 2
3 = Tax JurDic level 3
4 = Tax JurDic level 4
In the example with customer own tax condition ZGST, the field was empty.
After that the decision which tax jurisdiction level is used, the next step is to fill the field XACCIT-TXJLV, according to the XKOMV-KNTYP:
And finally filling of TXJDP is done.
As the tax condition ZGST was not customized as a taxjurisdiction condition the field could not be filled, and remained empty, leading to the error FF793 afterwards.
3. Solution
The tax conditions have to be configured as taxjurisdiction conditions. To avoid the error the customizing of the condition type (V/06) and pricing procedure (V/08) would have to be adjusted.
The standard procedure with taxjurisdiction conditions UTXD and UTXE is for US RVAXUD with tax conditions XR1…XR6.
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