Currently supported operation systems for the last 3 major versions of SAP Advantage Database Server are below:

Platform 10.x (A)
11.1 12.0
Windows Server 2012 R2 N Y (B)
Windows Server 2012 32-bit/64-bit N Y Y
Windows Small Business Server 2011 N Y Y
Windows Server 2008 32-bit/64-bit (incl. SP2/R2) Y Y Y
Windows 2003 (incl. R2) Y Y Y
Windows 2003 64-bit Y Y Y
Windows 2000 (Server and Professional) Y N N
Windows 8.1 N Y (B)
Windows 8 N Y Y
Windows 7 Y Y Y
Windows Vista (Business and Ultimate) 32-bit Y N N
Windows Vista (Business and Ultimate) 64-bit Y N N
Windows XP (Professional) Y Y N
Linux 64-bit Y (C) Y (E)
Y (E)
Linux 32-bit Y (D)
Y (E) Y (E)
Netware 5.x and greater Y N N

Y – Supported                     
N – Not Supported

(A) End of life version

(B) Version or newer

(C) Requires glibc 2.3.5 or greater and kernel version 2.6 or greater

(D) Requires glibc 2.3.5 or greater and kernel version 2.4 or greater

(E) Requires glibc 2.5 or greater and kernel version 2.6 or greater

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