How to Install SAPUI5 in Windows 7 (updated for version 1.12.1)
How to Install SAPUI5 in Windows 7: In this blog I would be sharing the steps I followed to install SAPUI5 on my Windows 7 machine
Installing and Running Apache Tomcat 7.0
1. Got to Apache Tomcat 7.0 Download Page
2. Download & Run the 32-bit/64-bit Windows update Service Installer by clicking on the link on this page.
3. Follow the instructions in the Installer Wizard to complete the Installation (refer for more details).
4. You can configure Windows to automatically start Tomcat7 server on startup.
Installing SAPUI5
5. Downloading UI Development Kit for HTML 5 from the link below –
6. Unzip and copy the all the .war files into /webapps folder of Tomcat 7.0.
7. Type https://localhost:8080/demokit/ in the Browser
For version 1.12.1:
Type https://localhost:8080/sapui5-sdk in the Browser.
If a page titles SAPUI5 SDK – Demo Kit appears this confirms SAPUI5 is successfully installed on your machine. You can find further information about playing around with SAPUI5 in this application including the Developer Guide & API References.
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