
You can use standard Business Application Programming Interfaces (BAPIs) to create or change Media Product Master records in the SAP S/4HANA system. In this blog, I would like to give an example of how to enhance the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA BAPI by the custom fields you have created in the Custom Fields and Logic App, and how to call the BAPIs to create a new Media Product Master record in the SAP S/4HANA system.


There are 3 steps involved in Creation of Media Product Master using BAPIs:

  1. Enhance BAPI by Custom Fields
  2. Create Product via BAPI
  3. Create Classification via BAPI

1: Enhance BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA by Custom Fields

To fill the custom fields created by the Custom Fields and Logic App, you need to do an extension of the BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA BAPI.

First,  BAPI_TE_MARA structure and the appropriate check structure BAPI_TE_MARAX must be extended by the custom fields. The structures that are delivered as standard only contain the relevant key fields. When new fields are added to this structure, you should ensure that the field name matches the field name in the database table. Furthermore, the fields in the structures BAPI_TE_ can only be CHARACTER fields. The data element BAPIUPDATE is to be used for the fields in the check structure (exception to this: key fields.)

  1. Call the transaction SE11 and display data type (structure) BAPI_TE_E1MARA.
  2. Create an append structure ZZMARA_CUSTOM_FIELDS.
  3. Add Component ZZ1_GENRE_PRD with Typing Method 1 and Component Type ZZ1_GENRE.
  4. Save and activate the append structure.
  5. In transaction SE11 display data type (structure) BAPI_TE_MARAX.
  6. Create an append structure ZZMARA_CUSTOM_FIELDSX.
  7. Add Component ZZ1_GENRE_PRD with Typing Method 1 and Component Type BAPIUPDATE.
  8. Save and activate the append structure.

2: Create Product via BAPI

Next, I would like to give an example of how to call the BAPI for creation of a new product master and get the custom field filled.

When calling BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA, the parameters EXTENSIONIN and EXTENSIONINX are used to transfer data to the custom fields. The STRUCTURE field contains the name of the structure (BAPI_TE_MARA or BAPI_TE_MARAX in our case). The remaining fields in parameters EXTENSIONIN or EXTENSIONINX contain data for the key fields (for example, the material number) and the data for customer-specific fields. Bear in mind that only data for which an appropriate indicator has been set can be updated to the database.

To explain how the parameters should be filled, find enclosed a sample report:

REPORT ZZ_BAPI_PRODUCT_CREATE. PARAMETERS: p_matnr TYPE matnr. DATA: ls_return TYPE bapie1ret2, lt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapie1ret2, ls_headdata TYPE bapie1matheader, lt_headdata TYPE TABLE OF bapie1matheader, ls_clientdata TYPE bapie1mara, ls_clientdatax TYPE bapie1marax, lt_clientdata TYPE TABLE OF bapie1mara, lt_clientdatax TYPE TABLE OF bapie1marax, ls_description TYPE bapie1makt, lt_description TYPE TABLE OF bapie1makt, ls_extension TYPE bapie1parex, ls_extensionx TYPE bapie1parexx, lt_extension TYPE TABLE OF bapie1parex, lt_extensionx TYPE TABLE OF bapie1parexx, ls_ext_mara TYPE bapi_te_e1mara, ls_ext_marax TYPE bapi_te_e1marax. " General data needed for product creation ls_headdata-material = p_matnr. ls_headdata-ind_sector = 'M'. ls_headdata-matl_type = 'FERT' . ls_headdata-basic_view = 'X' . " Maintenance status K INSERT ls_headdata INTO TABLE lt_headdata . " General data needed for product creation (optional for change) ls_clientdata-material = ls_headdata-material . ls_clientdata-base_uom = 'EA' . INSERT ls_clientdata INTO TABLE lt_clientdata . ls_clientdatax-material = ls_headdata-material . ls_clientdatax-base_uom = 'X' . INSERT ls_clientdatax INTO TABLE lt_clientdatax . " Description needed for product creation (optional for change) ls_description-material = ls_headdata-material . ls_description-langu = 'EN' . ls_description-matl_desc = 'TEST MPM Creation via BAPI' . INSERT ls_description INTO TABLE lt_description . * Extension Field MARA-ZZ1_GENRE_PRD (same name as DB field) ls_ext_mara-material = ls_headdata-material. ls_ext_mara-ZZ1_GENRE_PRD = 'SCFI'. ls_extension-material = ls_headdata-material. ls_extension-structure = 'BAPI_TE_E1MARA'. ls_extension-valuepart1 = ls_ext_mara. INSERT ls_extension INTO TABLE lt_extension. ls_ext_marax-material = ls_headdata-material. ls_ext_marax-ZZ1_GENRE_PRD = abap_true. ls_extensionx-material = ls_headdata-material. ls_extensionx-structure = 'BAPI_TE_E1MARAX'. ls_extensionx-valuepart1 = ls_ext_marax. INSERT ls_extensionx INTO TABLE lt_extensionx. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA' EXPORTING noappllog = ' ' nochangedoc = ' ' testrun = ' ' inpfldcheck = ' ' * IMPORTING * return = ls_bapiret2 TABLES headdata = lt_headdata clientdata = lt_clientdata clientdatax = lt_clientdatax materialdescription = lt_description extensionin = lt_extension extensioninx = lt_extensionx returnmessages = lt_return. COMMIT WORK. LOOP AT lt_return INTO ls_return. WRITE: / ls_return-message. ENDLOOP.

3: Create Classification via BAPI

You can create a new product with BAPI_MATERIAL_SAVEREPLICA and get all fields (including custom fields) filled. For the classification (which contains the information of the hierarchy level and the parent product) you can call BAPI BAPI_OBJCL_CREATE.

In the sample code below, I also included a check of the hierarchy level of the parent product by calling BAPI_OBJCL_GETCLASSES:

REPORT zz_bapi_classification_create. PARAMETERS: p_matnr TYPE matnr. " classification should be created for this product PARAMETERS: p_parent TYPE matnr. " parent product DATA: ls_return TYPE bapiret2, lt_return TYPE TABLE OF bapiret2, lv_object LIKE bapi1003_key-object, lv_classnum TYPE klasse_d, lv_object_prt LIKE bapi1003_key-object, "object key of parent product ls_classes TYPE bapi1003_alloc_list, lt_classes TYPE TABLE OF bapi1003_alloc_list, ls_values_char TYPE bapi1003_alloc_values_char, lt_values_char TYPE TABLE OF bapi1003_alloc_values_char. * object key = material number lv_object_prt = p_parent. * get assigned classes to determine hierarchy level CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_OBJCL_GETCLASSES' EXPORTING objectkey_imp = lv_object_prt objecttable_imp = 'MARA' classtype_imp = '001' * READ_VALUATIONS = * KEYDATE = SY-DATUM * LANGUAGE = SY-LANGU * OBJECTKEY_IMP_LONG = TABLES alloclist = lt_classes * ALLOCVALUESCHAR = * ALLOCVALUESCURR = * ALLOCVALUESNUM = return = lt_return. LOOP AT lt_return INTO ls_return. WRITE: / ls_return-message. ENDLOOP. * based on hierarchy level of parent determine class of the subordinate level LOOP AT lt_classes INTO ls_classes. CASE ls_classes-classnum. WHEN 'MEDIA_PR_FAMILY'. lv_classnum = 'MEDIA_PRODUCT'. lv_object = p_matnr. " characteristic value for parent media product family ls_values_char-charact = 'MEDIAPRODUCTFAMILY'. ls_values_char-value_char_long = p_parent. INSERT ls_values_char INTO TABLE lt_values_char. WHEN 'MEDIA_PRODUCT'. lv_classnum = 'MEDIA_ISSUE'. lv_object = p_matnr. " characteristic value for parent media product ls_values_char-charact = 'MEDIAPRODUCT'. ls_values_char-value_char_long = p_parent. INSERT ls_values_char INTO TABLE lt_values_char. WHEN 'MEDIA_ISSUE'. " error case: no subnode possible EXIT. ENDCASE. ENDLOOP. IF lv_classnum IS NOT INITIAL. CALL FUNCTION 'BAPI_OBJCL_CREATE' EXPORTING objectkeynew = lv_object objecttablenew = 'MARA' classnumnew = lv_classnum classtypenew = '001' * STATUS = '1' * STANDARDCLASS = * CHANGENUMBER = * KEYDATE = SY-DATUM * NO_DEFAULT_VALUES = ' ' * OBJECTKEYNEW_LONG = * IMPORTING * CLASSIF_STATUS = TABLES * ALLOCVALUESNUM = allocvalueschar = lt_values_char * ALLOCVALUESCURR = return = lt_return. COMMIT WORK. ENDIF. LOOP AT lt_return INTO ls_return. WRITE: / ls_return-message. ENDLOOP.


With this example you should be able to create your own coding for your specific needs to create Media Product Master records through BAPI calls.

There can also be additional cases where you must perform additional checks or change a Media Product Master. You will find the required BAPIs in the same function groups as the BAPIs mentioned above.

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