In projects output play very vital role especially forms. Many documents like invoices, legal forms, shipping notifications, packing labels, etc. are printed out of SAP. Before printing a form we see print preview to check accuracy of content.





While seeing print preview we generally struggle to navigate across pages, problem in copying data from print preview or taking output into a PDF file.


To address these common issues we have some codes which can help in making our job easy. The below table explains code and its functionality.







P– Display First page if multiple pages exist
P- Display Previous page if exist
P+ Displays Next page if exist
P++ Shows Last Page
PDF! Opens output in PDF-Preview
SGOT Jump to page
SPRI Print
SARC Archive
SARP Print & archive
BKGR Background
SCAN Cancel
SLIS List display




These codes are called in Include LSTXBWFCC.

All codes will work for smartforms and sap scripts. Some codes like SFAX, SEML, SARC, BKGR work based on the way it is programmed.





Out of all the above PDF!, SGOT and SLIS are very helpful in my projects. I would like to explain only few of the above as most of the codes are self explanatory.





Output to PDF:


Taking output to PDF is a very common requirement below we will see how we can do this from print preview.


In the command box enter the code PDF! As shown below


The output is opened in PDF file where we have further options to save, navigate and print as seen below.


Note: The above options may differ based on the adobe reader version installed in your machine.





Jump to page:


Have you ever come across an output having more pages in which you particularly need to see a page which is in middle?


We can simply reach the required page by using command SGOT.


Enter the page number and press goto.





Copy text from print preview:



Have you ever tried copying the text directly from print preview? Will this work?


If we use the command SLIS the whole output (all pages) are displayed on screen and you can copy required content.




Now you are well equipped to play with print preview.

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