Recently released patches/fixes for SAP MII
Hi Everyone,
This blog post is to inform you about the recently released patches and fixes, hope you will find it useful.
+ If you face a problem caused by a newly released patch, please report it on SCN forum, and copy the link here.
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 006 Patch 3, containing the following notes:
- Single quotes in transaction parameters are encoded to ' and trx(, note 2574711
- SPCCharts tooltip cannot be changed from the UI, note 2575250
- Escaping a backslash in a Query with JSON Content Type, note 2575362
XMII 15.0 SP 009 Patch 2, containing the following notes:
- Escaping a backslash in a Query with JSON Content Type, note 2575362
- string index out of bounds on MDO Select Query error, note 2573895
- Single quotes in transaction parameters are encoded to &apos, note 2574711
Last week we released XMII 15.1 SP 006 Patch 1, containing the following notes:
- Adding duration to action output during debug, note 2402747
- Problem with addStyleClass in UIElementTextView, note 2569509
- UI5 Chart Dual Y Axis, note 2568953
- In SSCE for a query displayed as Gauge ,display Column and Unit are no, note 2569822
- KPI InfoProcessor is missing a column, note 2536757
- SSCE Save As Function is not working, note 2564062
- PCo agent instance can not be restarted, note 2565060
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 006 Patch 1, containing the following notes:
- Details of change list cannot be viewed after it is approved and appli, note 2570324
- PCo agent instance can not be restarted, note 2565060
XMII 15.0 SP 009 Patch 1, containing the following notes:
- XBAR type i5SPCChart’s Y axis scaling, note 2555050
- Suppressed data points in SPC chart are part of alarm calculation, note 2570415
MII_ADMIN 15.0 SP 009 Patch 1, containing the following note:
- Details of change list cannot be viewed after it is approved and appli, note 2570324
Last week we released MII 15.1 SP 006, release information note:
- MII 15.1 SP06 Release Information note, note 2562763
This week we released MII 15.0 SP 009, release information note:
MII 15.0 SP09 Release Information Note, note 2557957
Last week we released XMII 15.1 SP 005 Patch 8, containing the following notes:
- Runtime parameters not getting applied to dashboard, note 2548987
- QueryTemplate property missing from odata metadata, note 2550492
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 005 Patch 7, containing the following notes:
- Gauge chart on refresh shows busy indicator continuously, note 2546790
- Allow high value unicode characters in Query Templates, note 2547615
- Memory optimizations, note 2548951
OEE_MII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 4, containing the following note:
- Handling DST(Daylight Saving Time) in SAP OEE, note 2501594
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 005 Patch 6, containing the following notes:
- i5Grid printing function ignores runtime set properties of the query, note 2543841
- Transaction output content types, note 2544692
- XML Query type missing TransformerLibrary parameter, note 2545990
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 005 Patch 4, containing the following notes:
- In shared memory screen, values of properties are displayed incorrectly, note 2544382
- Expired status for Alert Cleanup not available for new cleanup rule, note 2544347
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 005 Patch 5, containing the following notes:
- MII limitation with CTS+ transport resolved, note 2527561
- JCO Interface Action fixes and improvements, note 2526568
- Query Action Output Options, note 2530562
- JSON builder optimization, note 2531940
- ControlFilterBehavior property still appears, note 2534114
- i5Grid displays only 1 item in List in Firefox browser, note 2536291
- XML Hardener errors, note 2531196
- Improved memory utilization for XML properties, note 2526587
- MDO table is not dropped on deletion of project, note 2524027
XMII 15.0 SP08 Patch 25, containing the following note:
- i5Grid displays only 1 item in List in Firefox browser, note 2536291
This week we released XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 24, containing the following notes:
- JCO Interface Action fixes and improvements, note 2526568
- Query Action Output Options, note 2530562
- JSON builder optimization, note 2531940
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 005 Patch 4, containing the following note:
- PCo Custom TextQuery Agent, note 2515973
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 23, containing the following note:
- JCO Interface action connection detail precedence, note 2520834
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 005 Patch 3, containing the following notes:
- Conversion exception case in transaction execution with iterator, note 2499576
- IMAP and POP3 over SSL in Read Mail action, note 2515643
- KPI table is not recreated when KPI is run after DB cleanup., note 2518238
- setSelectedRow on i5Grid does not select any row, note 2520098
- MII Statistics for Message servers not aggregated on a per day basis, note 2515779
- JCO Interface action connection detail precedence, note 2520834
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 005 Patch 3, containing the following notes:
- Shared Memory screen does not display binary data properly, note 2519805
- MII Statistics for Message servers not aggregated on a per day basis, note 2515779
XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 32, containing the following notes:
- JCO Interface action connection detail precedence, note 2520834
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 22, containing the following notes:
- Conversion exception case in transaction execution with iterator, note 2499576
- Query success bit is false, note 2514839
- KPI table is not recreated when KPI is run after DB cleanup., note 2518238
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 005 Patch 2, containing the following notes:
- In SSCE dashboard, on Copying a control to clipboard, it’s methods are, note 2513061
- Sporadic use of closed JDBC Connections within looped SQL Transaction, note 2513794
- Error while importing plant informat catalog from MII 14.0, note 2513214
- Query success bit is false, note 2514839
- Conditions are not populated using Virtual MDO Connector, note 2507198
- SAP MII – Connection with Crystal Reports using JDBC driver does not w, note 2505806
- KPI event refresh not working for KPI Tile View, note 2509007
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 005 Patch 2, containing the following notes:
- SAP MII – Connection with Crystal Reports using JDBC driver does not w, note 2505806
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 21, containing the following notes:
- In SSCE dashboard, on Copying a control to clipboard, it’s methods are, note 2513061
- Sporadic use of closed JDBC Connections within looped SQL Transaction, note 2513794
- Scaling issues for i5SPC XBAR Chart’s Y axis, note 2510563
- Stringtolistwithlimit new Expression Editor function, note 2510643
- For i5SPC chart, with CL values NA, the control line is still displaye, note 2510681
- CSV Null Pointer Exception if the query template contains a null value, note 2476960
This week we released XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 20, containing the following note:
- Context Menu appearing off screen in case of scroll bar, note 2495227
Also, the minimum SAP UI5 version is changed to 1.44 for MII 15.1 SP5:
- SAPUI5 version 1.44 is required for SAP MII 15.1 SP5, note 2511050
We recently released MII 15.1 SP 005, release information note:
- Release Information note for MII 15.1 SP05, note 2490911
Please note that SP number 4 was skipped for 15.1. After SP 3 the next SP is SP 5.
XMII 15.1 SP 005 Patch 1, containing the following notes:
- MII is not able to validate input XML against nested schemas, note 2502851
- Transaction failing as custom action classes are corrupted, note 2503130
- Adding json and pdf content types to whitelist, note 2502751
- Passwords in MII cannot be read after Netweaver upgrade, note 2494205
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 005 Patch 1, containing the following note:
- Passwords in MII cannot be read after Netweaver upgrade, note 2494205
OEE_MII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 11, containing the following note:
- DST Fixes, note 2501594
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 19, containing the following notes:
- JCO Interface “Language” parameter not considered via link editor, note 2491568
- Custom Attribute Role limitation, note 2472196
- Reduce memory footprint of JCO/JRA function calls, note 2486886
- Oracle Stored procedure against Temporary table created with “ON COMMI, note 2489135
MII_ADMIN 15.0 SP 008 Patch 4, containing the following notes:
- PIC tag description length, note 2499044
- Custom Attribute Role limitation, note 2472196
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 31, containing the following note:
- Passwords in MII cannot be read after Netweaver upgrade, note 2494205
And MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 003 Patch 8, containing the following note:
- Passwords in MII cannot be read after Netweaver upgrade, note 2494205
Please note that this note is not part of 15.1 SP05 Patch 0. It’ll be released again in 15.1 SP05 Patch1.
This week we released a Hot News note for 15.1:
2496291 – Conflict with MII and Netweaver CORE-TOOLS component in NW 7.50 SP6+
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 29, containing the following notes:
- Reduce memory footprint of JCO/JRA function calls, note 2486886
- JCO Interface “Language” parameter not considered via link editor, note 2491568
- Updating more than one KPI update in SSCE is not working correctly, note 2476415
- Oracle Stored procedure against Temporary table created with “ON COMMI, note 2489135
- SUMTOOL fails to update MII components, note 2488691
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 003 Patch 7, containing the following note:
- SUMTOOL fails to update MII components, note 2488691
And XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 30, containing the following note:
Reduce memory footprint of JCO/JRA function calls, note 2486886
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 27, containing the following notes:
- Scheduled jobs migration failure while upgrading from MII 12, note 2483039
- Unable to pass input parameters value to Query on Image duri, note 2483741
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 18, containing the following notes:
- MII configuration import/export does not always show useful, note 2481973
- CPU spike on long-running JCO/JRA function call, note 2483905
XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 28, containing the following notes:
- CPU spike on long-running JCO/JRA function call, note 2483905
- SAP MII SSCE – 3D object procedure play does not work for dy, note 2483108
MII configuration import/export does not always show useful, note 2481973
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 26, containing the following notes:
- Some workbench entries are missing, note 2481026
- SOAPException does not update transaction persistence, note 2476832
- CSV Null Pointer Exception if the query template contains a, note 2476960
- Wrong Value for KPI if dropped on multiple cells in SSCE, note 2475477
This week we released a consulting note:
2478018 – MII workbench does not open up using Java 6
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 25, containing the following notes:
- Custom Attribute Role limitation, note 2472196
- Workbench SQL query not Hana compliant, note 2470434
And MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 003 Patch 6, containing the following note:
- Custom Attribute Role limitation, note 2472196
Last week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 24, containing the following notes:
- MII 15.1 i5Chart displays dates in x axis label columns inco, note 2463870
- MII html page crashes in case it has large number of tags em, note 2464498
And XMII 14.0 SP 009 Patch 1, containing the following note:
- XSL transformation error after switch to Xalan libraries, note 2289539
Last week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 23, containing the following note:
- XMII Workbench invalidates XML Variables, note 2463756
And XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 17, containing the following notes:
- XSL transformation error after switch to Xalan libraries, note 2289539
- Issues when reloading JavaScript files, note 2463286
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 22, containing the following notes:
- Adding JMS note 2435522 for dependency checker, note 2461314
- Minor applet improvements, note 2459940
- Issues when reloading JavaScript files, note 2463286
- WSMessageListener XML Validation, note 2448762
- Caching parameters for MDO queries, note 2458870
- XSL transformation error after switch to Xalan libraries, note 2289539
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 003 Patch 5, containing the following note:
- WSMessageListener XML Validation, note 2448762
Last week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 20, containing the following notes:
- Improved Error messages description in SFTP Action Blocks, note 2453300
- SFTP Create Directory action block does not close connection, note 2450506
- Role addition for JMS destination startup, note 2444474
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 15, containing the following notes:
- Correction in the Name element of SFTPGetFileList action b, note 2440374
- Full Path element is missing from the SFTP Get Action Block, note 2445220
- Improved Error messages description in SFTP Action Blocks, note 2453300
- SFTP Create Directory action block does not close connection, note 2450506
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 21, containing the following note:
- Issues with non-Western characters in Javascript MII content, note 2451843
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 003 Patch 4, containing the following note:
- Issues with non-Western characters in Javascript MII content, note 2451843
OEE_MII 15.1 SP003 Patch 8, containing the following notes:
- Seconds component to be shown in Manage Downtime Screen and, note 2459985
- GI/GR fixes including warning messages, note 2459855
- Manage Order Fixes, note 2459987
- Demo Plant CTC error on execution, note 2445446
- Issue after increasing font size, note 2459986
- Fixes related to UoM not getting changed while changing the, note 2460052
- Order with multiple sequence failing on update scenario, note 2445460
- Display correct order details for multiple releases of same, note 2460062
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 16, containing the following note:
- Issues with non-Western characters in Javascript MII content, note 2451843
MII_ADMIN 15.0 SP 008 Patch 3, containing the following note:
- Issues with non-Western characters in Javascript MII content, note 2451843
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 19, containing the following notes:
- KPI is not showing the correct data in tile view in SSCE, note 2452828
- Issue in configuring an SVG wih Xacute Query with parameters, note 2452684
- Role addition for JMS destination startup, note 2444474
- Changed query parameters are not being passed to area click, note 2452084
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 14, containing the following note:
- WSMessageListener XML Validation, note 2448762
MII_ADMIN 15.0 SP 008 Patch 2, containing the following note:
- WSMessageListener XML Validation, note 2448762
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 18, containing the following notes:
- Action Threading Performance, note 2443123
- MII Retention Time for Usage Statistics property does not wo, note 2363645
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 003 Patch 3, containing the following note:
- Action Threading Performance, note 2443123
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 13, containing the following notes:
- Unexpected line connecting markers in i5Chart(Custom) in cas, note 2387428
- Action Threading Performance, note 2443123
- XML formatting for query template results, note 2439586
- Custom I5Chart data display issue, note 2441965
- MII Retention Time for Usage Statistics property does not wo, note 2363645
- Global variables import via Configuration does not retain th, note 2439083
MII_ADMIN 15.0 SP 008 Patch 1, containing the following notes:
- Action Threading Performance, note 2443123
- Global variables import via Configuration does not retain th, note 2439083
We also released 14.0 SP 009, release information note:
- MII 14.0 SP09 Release Information Note, note 2440700
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 17, containing the following notes:
- Changed query parameters resets on visualization change, note 2442477
- Different SPC control limit alarms are triggered by I5SPC te, note 2442640
- XML formatting for query template results, note 2439586
- Full Path element is missing from the SFTP Get Action Block, note 2445220
And we released a HotNews note:
- MII Visualization Applets, note 2440728
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 16, containing the following note:
- Correction in the Name element of SFTPGetFileList action blo, note 2440374
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 15, containing the following notes:
- PIC Tag value is not getting displayed in SSCE dashboard w, note 2438313
- SPC results returned from display chart and SPC action block, note 2427699
And XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 12, containing the following note:
- Unable to parse sample size for column, null – error in SPC, note 2437144
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 14, containing the following notes:
- AddBatchInsert KPI query mode does not work, note 2428383
- Workbench doesn’t follow the scaling set at Display Settings, note 2433167
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 11, containing the following notes:
- Transport of content from one system to another using CMS fa, note 2427806
- Workbench doesn’t follow the scaling set at Display Settings, note 2433167
OEEMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 3, containing the following note:
- Error in production order if work center does not exist in p, note 2430304
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 13, containing the following notes
- Installation of OEE causes corruption of MEINT Enqueuer acti, note 2427885
- SPC results returned from display chart and SPC action block, note 2427699
- AddBatchInsert KPI query mode does not work, note 2428383
And OEEMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 4, containing the following notes:
- Issue with showing huge data in plant hierarchy, note 2432152
- Addition of Reason Code and more Orders for MODL plant, note 2432864
- Co and By Product Reversal screen does not render in Interne, note 2433357
- Performance Issues in SAP OEE with high number of plant hier, note 2433358
- OEE Dashboard become unresponsive if opened in time when no, note 2433585
Last week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 12, containing the following notes:
- XSLT 2.0 Revert, note 2427808
- Removing credentials from JMS factories XML, note 2423158
- Encoding for Runner/OutputStorageServlet servlet changes, note 2423159
Last week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 11, containing the following notes:
- XSLT 2.0 Support is provided for XSL Transformation action b, note 2417405
- Issue with new timezone function in workbench, note 2421420
- Workbench frozen by Generate Documentation, note 2421163
- Generate Documentation remembers prior transaction name, note 2418994
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 10, containing the following notes:
- i5Chart – Custom chart Control limits, note 2418736
- Workbench frozen by Generate Documentation, note 2421163
- Generate Documentation remembers prior transaction name, note 2418994
OEEMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 2, containing the following note:
- SAP OEE production order workflow not allowing to update ord, note 2416701
And XMII 14.0 SP 008 Patch 17, containing the following notes:
- Error handling update regarding JMS errors, note 2399781
- Generate Documentation remembers prior transaction name, note 2418994
- MII Scheduler or Data Buffer fails completely, note 2407597
- Workbench frozen by Generate Documentation, note 2421163
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 10, containing the following notes:
- Authentication problems after deploying 15.1 SP3, note 2414733
- Issue in creation of virtual table using MII HANA SDA adapte, note 2407217
And XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 9, containing the following note:
- Space between tool bar and iG5rid, note 2413760
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 9, containing the following notes:
- ETCReturnCode error message on XMII deploy or startup, note 2412498
- Errors on upload of zip files to MII administration screens, note 2411195
- WECO alarm limits for multiple SPC charts cannot be edited a, note 2411320
And XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 8, containing the following notes:
- MII Scheduler or Data Buffer fails completely, note 2407597
- Errors on upload of zip files to MII administration screens, note 2411195
We recently released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 8, containing the following notes:
- Blank screen appears when trying to load SSCE, note 2409058
- MII Scheduler or Data Buffer fails completely, note 2407597
- Selected Value is invalid on dynamic update of UIElement Dro, note 2408766
- Security check of roles implemented for projects in not impl, note 2408811
- OEE 15.1 Machine-Reason Code Upload func, note 2408447
XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 7, containing the following notes:
- XSL transformation library options, note 2405409
- IlluminatorOData throws null pointer error when $skip is not, note 2408659
- Adding fixed X axis support for Scatter/Bubble i5Chart types, note 2399744
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 003 Patch 2, containing the following note:
- XSL transformation library options, note 2405409
And XMII 15.0 SP 003 Patch 7, containing the following note:
- IlluminatorOData throws null pointer error when $skip is not, note 2408659
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 6, containing the following note:
- Error on deployment of MII 15.1 SP3 patch, note 2405601
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 6, containing the following notes:
- MII scheduler checker to perform retries in case of JMX fa, note 2402264
- UserUSL/Target/LSL of i5SPCChart are not shown in legend, note 2405510
Last week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 5, containing the following notes:
- MII scheduler checker to perform retries in case of JMX failure, note 2402264
- Xml hardener logging, note 2402273
- Not able to click on links in MII home page after upgrading, note 2403674
- Extraneous sequence numbers on the X Axis for i5SPCChart, note 2400829
- Number formatting for legend in i5SPCChart, note 2402708
- Adding support for ‘Show Upper Regions’ flag in I5SPC, note 2372149
And XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 5, containing the following note:
- Number formatting for legend in i5SPCChart, note 2402708
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 4, containing the following notes:
- SSCE UIElements List Control, note 2399435
- Application initialization not completed on upgrading MII to, note 2400533
- Adding User class to BLS SDK, note 2394804
- Error handling update regarding JMS errors, note 2399781
And XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 4, containing the following notes:
- Extraneous sequence numbers on the X Axis for i5SPCChart, note 2400829
- Adding fixed X axis support for Scatter/Bubble i5Chart typ, note 2399744
- Error handling update regarding JMS errors, note 2399781
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 3, containing the following notes:
- Adding WebIDE Role and permission check to access MII, note 2396355
- SSCE – Problem with visibility of runtime configuration butt, note 2397376
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 003 Patch 2, containing the following notes:
- XSL transformations are slow for some stylesheets, note 2391562
- WebIDE import , lock , refresh and sync changes, note 2392249
- SSCE-Grid color context’s table values are not displayed whe, note 2393562
- Issue when opening MEINT transaction, note 2387778
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 003 Patch 1, containing the following note:
- Name wildcard search for MII Transaction Manager, note 2352068
XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 3, containing the following note:
- For scatter charts, auto scaling takes into account all valu, note 2386408
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP003 Patch 1, containing the following notes:
- Adding ERP objects with Children cancelled because of Except, note 2373083
- IlluminatorOData service does not return result with Rowset, note 2382875
- I5SPC chart type histogram does not render on IE or chrome, note 2387671
- Dynamic transaction call error when it is run asynchronousl, note 2389618
- Fatal Error in MII Illuminator ExportConfig Service, note 2388100
- AbstractMethodError log for SQL Connection Timeout Monitor, note 2386261
- i5Grid type EmbeddedLlights hyperlink functionality does not, note 2387760
- Auto encoding config for Post action, note 2385139
- MII changes to better handle UME inconsistencies, note 2383356
- Improved memory utilization when using transaction logging, note 2383383
- MII scheduler is resolving times in UTC, note 2385150
- Issue with brackets in tagname in MII HANA SDA adapter, note 2388235
- UIElement TextField is not editable after changing the Type, note 2327796
OEEMII 15.1 SP003 Patch 1, containing the following note:
- OEE 15.1 SP03 Patch 01: Release Notes, note 2391136
XMII 15.0 SP008 Patch 2, containing the following note:
- Unexpected line connecting markers in i5Chart(Custom) in c, note 2387428
XMII 12.2 SP008 Patch 11, containing the following note:
- Errors in Java console when opening legacy MII iGrid Display, note 2384514
This week we released XMII 15.0 SP 008 Patch 1, containing the following notes:
- AbstractMethodError log for SQL Connection Timeout Monitor, note 2386261
- improved memory utilization when using transaction logging, note 2383383
- MII scheduler is set for UTC, note 2385150
- Initial and Refresh returns different values on autoscaling, note 2385256
- Handling DST switch in the MII scheduler, note 2292825
- MII changes to better handle UME inconsistencies, note 2383356
- auto encoding config for Post action, note 2385139
And XMII 14.0 SP 008 Patch 16, containing the following notes:
- auto encoding config for Post action, note 2385139
- AbstractMethodError log for SQL Connection Timeout Monitor, note 2386261
This week we released XMII 14.0 SP 008 Patch 15, containing the following note:
- MII changes to better handle UME inconsistencies, note 2383356
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 002 Patch 14, containing the following note:
- Adding ERP objects with Children cancelled, note 2373083
And XMII 14.0 SP008 Patch 14, containing the following note:
- SQL connection object already closed during SQL transaction, note 2373015
Today we released MII 15.0 SP 008 to customers. Release information note:
- MII 15.0 SP08 Release Information Note, note 2369425
All notes are in the reference list which was released with this SP.
Today we released SAP note 2367382 – clearing unused variables in MII transactions
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 002 Patch 13, containing the following notes:
- Adding support for ‘Show Upper Regions’ flag in I5SPC, note 2372149
- SQL connection object already closed during SQL transaction, note 2373015
Last week we released XMII 15.1 SP 002 Patch 12, containing the following notes:
- Javascript function rendering break on MII IRPT pages, note 2367986
- errors on JCO data buffer entries, note 2367780
- Show Additional Xaxis setting does not work for I5SPC chart, note 2368582
XMII 15.0 SP007 Patch 14, containing the following notes:
- Update and delete of comments in I5SPC charts is not working, note 2369761
- Data containing “” can’t be displayed in I5Grid, note 2368046
- MII IRPT pages show different behavior across versions, note 2359810
- Javascript function rendering break on MII IRPT pages, note 2367986
- errors on JCO data buffer entries, note 2367780
And XMII 14.0 SP008 Patch 13, containing the following note:
- errors on JCO data buffer entries, note 2367780
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 002 Patch 11, containing the following notes:
- Handling DST switch in the MII scheduler, note 2292825
- Null pointer on Catalog Load mode, note 2231405
- XMII_TRANSACTIONS table entries have mistaken expiration tim, note 2365747
XMII 15.0 SP 007 Patch 13, containing the following notes:
- MII Read Mail block incorrectly saves attachments, note 2361243
- XMII_TRANSACTIONS table entries have mistaken expiration tim, note 2365747
And XMII 14.0 SP 008 Patch 12, containing the following notes:
- MII Retention Time for Usage Statistics property does not wo, note 2363645
- XMII_TRANSACTIONS table entries have mistaken expiration tim, note 2365747
- HTTP Post action – data buffer filter name is incorrect, note 2361698
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 002 Patch 10, containing the following notes:
- HTTP Post action – data buffer filter name is incorrect, note 2361698
- MII IRPT pages show different behavior across versions, note 2359810
- Time zone support for expression editor functions, note 2362194
- CC field is missing from MII Send Mail action block, note 2362957
XMII 15.0 SP 007 Patch 12, containing the following notes:
- HTTP Post action – data buffer filter name is incorrect, note 2361698
- XBAR-Range chart calculates ranges incorrectly when dataset, note 2362823
And XMII 12.2 SP 008 Patch 9, containing the following note:
- HTTP Post action – data buffer filter name is incorrect, note 2361698
Today we released XMII 15.0 SP 007 Patch 11, containing the following notes:
- Results from SPC/SQC action block and exported from I5SPC ch, note 2359995
- Comments flag missing on refreshing i5SPC Chart, note 2331856
- Send Multiple Attachment using Send Email, note 2245955
- SPC/SQC action block does not raise alerts, note 2353929
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 002 Patch 9, containing the following notes:
- SSCE does not load if UI5 version is 1.34.0 or above, note 2355798
- Send Multiple Attachment using Send Email, note 2245955
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 002 Patch 8 , containing the following notes:
- Send Multiple Attachment using Send Email, note 2245955
- Send Mail Action Block Add BCC field, note 2246562
- New function added to transaction expression editor, note 2164388
- Transaction Manager performance, note 2352705
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP 002 Patch 4, containing the following note:
- Transaction Manager performance, note 2352705
XMII 15.0 SP 007 Patch 10, containing the following notes:
- Send Multiple Attachment using Send Email, note 2245955
- Send Mail Action Block Add BCC field, note 2246562
- Excessive logging on KPI execution via oData, note 2355302
- Transaction Manager performance, note 2352705
MII_ADMIN 15.0 SP007 Patch 3, containing the following note:
- Transaction Manager performance, note 2352705
XMII 14.0 SP 008 Patch 11 and MII_ADMIN SP 008 Patch 2, containing the following note:
- Transaction manager performance, note 2352705
This week we released XMII 15.1 SP 002 Patch 7, containing the following notes:
- Fix for Remote PCo configuration UI issues, note 2352243
- Name wildcard search for MII Transaction Manager, note 2352068
MII_ADMIN 15.1 SP002 Patch 3, containing the following note:
- Name wildcard search for MII Transaction Manager, note 2352068
XMII 15.0 SP007 Patch 9 and MII_ADMIN 15.0 SP007 Patch 2, containing the following notes:
- Name wildcard search for MII Transaction Manager, note 2352068
- MII role configurations do not get refreshed., note 2348509
XMII 14.0 SP008 Patch 10 and MII_ADMIN 14.0 SP008 Patch 1, containing the following note:
- Name wildcard search for MII Transaction Manager, note 2352068
Today we released XMII 14.0 SP 008 Patch 9 and XMII 12.2 SP 008 Patch 7, containing the following note:
- Applet Error :ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, note 2346666
Today we released XMII 15.0 SP 007 Patch 8, containing the following notes:
- Applet Error :ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException, note 2346666
- i5 Custom Chart mixes up data se