Author(s): Saorabh Trilokinath Shivhare, Deepti Shetty.

Target readers: BW Consultant, BW Engineer, Basis Consultant.

Purpose of the document:

Scope of this doc. Is to cover pre and post BW upgrade activities. One can read what to do, how to do and why to do. Whenever SAP note is applicable it is mentioned and any other ref. for that point is also covered. These all points are based on our understanding and experience.


 What is BW upgrade?

Upgrade BW server from existing version to higher version, in this scenario upgraded from 7.0 to 7.4.

 Why we do upgrade?

Most of the advanced features are available only in higher version e.g. Semantic Partitioned, to collect the statistics of the Bex queries in the database tables.

 Why one should read this doc.?

There are already many materials available for BW upgrade checklist which explain how to do activity.  This doc. Also explain reason behind doing these activities. Along with below points read the last column for reason of Why we do?


1. Some of step may differ in pre and post upgrade activities depending on version to be upgrade, particular feature to test and environment.

2. These steps are considering BW upgrade from 7.X to 7.4 version.

Pre upgrade activities:

Sr. No. What to do? SAP Note How to do? Why we do?
1. Execute program RSUPGRCHECK to check DDIC (data dictionary) consistency. If it shows any inconsistency in info object, DSO, Info cube and transfer rule.  Activate inconsistent objects. Otherwise this may cause error due to non-activated DDIC tables in upgrade. DDIC Objects are data dictionary objects. DDIC objects are tables, views, data type, type group, domain, search help.

ABAP dictionary describes and manages all data definitions used in the system.

This report checks whether DDIC tables that are needed for the BW meta data object, are actively existing.

The report points out the incorrect objects found in the log.

2 Get list of all
Inactive objects.
To get list of inactive objects follow steps: Execute SE11 > OBJVERS = ‘A’ and OBJSTAT = ‘INA’. Table name for respective meta data BW object is mentioned in ref. doc. Status of meta data objects should be the same pre and post upgrade.
3. Clean Up No separate Transaction code or program as it done in several other activities, this includes

PSA clean up, delete log files, deleting objects like Infocubes and DSO’s that are not required, deleting aggregates that are empty.

House-keeping activity.
4 Stop RDA(Real-Time Data Acquisition) Daemon Use T Code RSRDA To do when using
Daemon services in BW. 
5 Remove Temporary BI Tables & Check Invalid Temp tables and Temp Objects. a) Check for Invalid Temporary Tables in SE14 using the menu path Extras -> Invalid Temp. Table.

b) Execute se38 > program: SAP_DROP_TMPTABLES.

The following objects can be deleted.

• Temporary Tables (Type 01/0P)

• Temporary Views (Type 03/07)

• Temporary Hierarchy Table (Type 02/08)

• Temporary SID Tables (06)

• Generated Temporary Reports

Part of Housekeeping activity. These are DB objects such as tables/ views/ triggers and so on. This have /BI0/0 name prefix.
6 Check/Repair Status of Info Objects Procedure

1. Log on to the SAP system.

2. Call transaction RSD1.

3. Choose Extras Repair InfoObjects (F8).

4. Choose Execute Repair.

5. Choose Expert Mode Select Objects.

6. On the following screen, in addition to the default checkbox selection, activate the following checkboxes:

– Check Generated Objects

– Activate Inconsistent InfoObjects.

– Deletion of DDIC/DB Objects

– Display Log

7. Execute the program.

This activity is performed so that there should not be erroneous object.

We perform consistency checks on the data and metadata stored in a BW system. This   tests the foreign key relationships between the tables of the extended star schema. (ref. From SAP help).

7 Clean/delete the messages for error logs Run Report RSB_ANALYZE_ERRORLOG & RSBM_ERRORLOG_DELETE House-keeping activity.
8 Check Master Data consistency Run report
It means there is inconsistency / missing record in master data tables i.e. P/X and Dimension table of Cube where this Master data objects are used.
9 Cleanup background
784969 use program RSBTCDEL2 Background jobs are scheduled for various
activities these can be V3 job and any other jobs.
10 Table SMSCMAID 1413569 Before you start the
Software Update Manager, check if you use the table SMSCMAID. If so, see SAP
Note 1413569 to avoid a termination of the Upgrade due to duplicate records in
the table.
Table SMSCMAID is used
for scheduling. If index is added in Table SMSCMAID follow this note.  
11 Check for missing
TBLIG entries by running report RSTLIBG
783308 Run report RSTLIBG This report list out
inconsistencies in existing Info provider.
in se38
In se38 > execute
To repair indexes of
info cube.
13 Clear all logistic
data extractions. Clear delta queue.
Check in source system
for all source systems.
Clear delta queue and
logistic data extraction before upgrade as post upgrade underlying tables and
fields of extract structure may get changed.
14 Check inactive
Transfer rules, IC, DSO, aggregates etc and list them.
Once you click on DSO, we need to check whether every
request in DSO is in green status or not. Before upgrade, we should make sure
that all the requests in the DSO should be in green state.

Here we need to check the status of
aggregates, according to SAP recommendation they should be activated before upgrade. Rolling up of aggregates is not necessary, it depends upon the
business requirements.

check only for post
upgrade ref.
15 Repair inconsistent
info packages using RSBATCH
To check if Info package
in active state is inconsistent or not. If inconsistent then Repair before
16 Take pre snapshots of
critical Bex queries
Check only for post
upgrade ref. Take prompt selection and o/p both screen shots.
17 Converting Data
Classes of Info Cubes 
46272 1.  Call transaction SE16 and             check the table RSDCUBE.
2.  Select OBJVERS equal ‘M’, ‘A’; and check the entries for the fields DIMEDATCLS, CUBEDATCLS, ADIMDATCLS, and AGGRDATCLS.
All Info Cubes are listed with their assigned data classes.
3.  Compare the data classes with the naming conventions for data classes described in SAP Note 46272.

If you find incorrect data classes, correct them as follows:
1.  Set up a new data class as described in SAP Note 46272
2.  Execute the RSDG_DATCLS_ASSIGN report.
It allows you to transfer a group of Infocubes from old data class to the new data class and also assigns the Infocubes to the right data class.

Need to check whether cubes are assigned to correct data classes or not. If any DDART data classes (customer data classes) that do not follow the naming conventions described in SAP Note 46272,these data classes will be lost during upgrade due to which the tables of the InfoCube can’t be activated.

An error message is displayed in technical settings due to the above situation.


Step No.2 (Pre upgrade) and 5 (Post upgrade).

Table BW meta data Objects.
RSUPDINFO update rule
RSTS Transfer Rule
RSISN Info source
RSDS Data source
RSDCUBE Info cube
RSQISET Info set
RSDIOBJ Info object

Post upgrade activities:

Sr. No What to do? SAP Note How to do? Why we do?
1 Run the extractors in
the delta mode to verify any technical errors.
Do delta run for any
data source. Delta queue should be blank pre upgrade and once this data load
started, monitor for this data source in delta queue. 
To check delta  load happening correctly.
2 Basic Application
Test different BW
flow as Master data object flow, Process chain and one transaction flow from
source system to Bex query end. 
Test different BW
3 Sample Data Loads by
running critical master data and transaction data process chains
Test transaction and
master data load.
4 Check RFCs and source
system connections.
Execute Tcode – RSA1
and replicate all the source systems.
Test RFC connection
to all source systems.
5 Check Transfer rules,
Info Cube, Aggregates and activate inactive objects.
To get list of
inactive objects follow steps: Execute SE11 > OBJVERS = ‘A’ and OBJSTAT =
‘INA’. Table name for respective meta data BW object is mentioned in ref. doc.
Compare list of
objects with pre upgrade and activate objects which got deactivated.
6 Activate transfer
structures, Run the program RS_TRANSTRU_ACTIVATE_ALL
Activate transfer
7 Reactivation of all
active update rules .Run the program RSAU_UPDR_REACTIVATE_ALL
Activate update rule
8 Reactivation of all
7.X data sources. Run the program RSDS_DATASOURCE_ACTIVATE_ALL
Activate Data source
9 Activation of
MultiProviders. Execute the program RSDG_MPRO_ACTIVATE
10 Bex query output  validation Compare Pre snapshots
with post snapshots of the Bex query output taken.
Compare Bex queries
output pre and post upgrade.
11 To correct operator
syntax error in custom program.

12 New Functionality
Created a SPO of a
Cube / DSO and loaded data into it. It worked fine.

Semantic Partitioned
is new feature introduced in 7.4. By means of this one can semantically
partitioned based on partition condition. Same gets stored in data targets
depending on partition condition.
13 TADIR entries for
Execute program
TADIR is table to
maintain Directory of Repository Objects.
This includes all   dictionary
objects, ABAP programs etc. During upgrade if any fact/views dropped /missed.
This program recreates it. It is part of upgrade to 3.x. Since in most of the
landscape still 3.x flow is used. Missing TADIR entry error may occur.
14 Ensure BI Object
1. Go to RSRV transaction

2. RSRV transaction is used to perform consistency check on the data stored in BW.

3. Elementary and Combined test can be performed.

During upgrade if some object got missed. This program will list out.

This needs to be done manually can be done for any BW meta data object.

It’s better to do it for the important cubes e.g. cube related to COPA.

15 Ensure Aggregate and
Indexes of cube are active.
Ensure the aggregates and indexes of an
infocube are maintained and active as the case. Can be check for one cube.

16 Repair info objects Procedure

1. Log on to the SAP system.

2. Call transaction RSD1.

3. Choose Extras Repair InfoObjects (F8).

4. Choose Execute Repair.

5. Choose Expert Mode Select Objects.

6. On the following screen, in addition to the default checkbox selection, activate the following checkboxes:

– Check Generated Objects

– Activate Inconsistent InfoObjects.

7. Execute the program.

This activity is performed so that there should not be erroneous object.

We perform consistency checks on the data and metadata stored in a BW system. This   tests the foreign key relationships between the tables of the extended star schema. (ref. From SAP help).

17 Check the flag Record
Statistics while maintaining the OLAP parameters in the Tcode RSRCACHE
Do as mentioned.

Click on Cache parameter >Record Statistics.

It is an
architectural change as part of BW 7.4 we need to do it so that we can collect
the statistics of the Bex queries in the database tables.
18 To identify and
repair inconsistencies in the PSA metadata.
1489064 1. Execute report RSAR_PSA_NEWDS_MAPPING_CHECK in transaction SE38

2. Execute with the repair flag unchecked. This will provide the list of all obsolete PSAs which are no longer used in segmented datasource.

3. Execute in the Repair mode then execute with the repair flag checked. This will inactivate all the obsolete. PSAs which are no longer used in segmented datasource.

Deletion of obsolete PSA.
19 ABAP program
Correction for loading Hierarchy.
1912874 As part of BW 7.4,
while loading hierarchy using Info package one may come across this error.
Implemented SAP note 1912874 – CALL_FUNCTION_NOT_FOUND while loading hierarchy.
This same error occur while executing bex query.

Original consistent
value returned by Data source was changed by conversion routine which is not
consistent with Conversion exit.
Sol:  Check correct conversion
routine entered. Correct conversion routine or data.  Can also activate automatic conversion in
transfer rule.
20 Code Inspector to
1823174 Execute program is
ZSAP_SCI_DELTA is implemented in se38.
In the BW Releases before 7.4, the maximum length of a characteristic value is limited to 60 characters. As of Release 7.4 SPS2, up to 250 characters are possible. To achieve this, the domain RSCHAVL was changed from CHAR 60 to SSTRING 1333. As a result, data elements that use the domain RSCHAVL are no longer possible (syntax errors) or they cause runtime errors in customer-specific programs. This SAP Note describes solution options for certain problem classes.

1. These steps are considering BW upgrade from 7.X to 7.4 version.
Contents are the general not mentioning any Business function or Technical BW meta data objects of Client source system.


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