SLA on ITSM: Using BRFPlus and Decision Tables Concept: This blog allow you to configure the SLA assignation based on the information of the incident, actually using customizing is not possible to use different conditions, this configuration allow you to play with several inputs to assign the SLA that you need.

In Solution Manager you need to execute the transaction BRFPLUS

In the Menu, select “Create Application

Define the Application name:

Remember to SAVE and Activate the application.


Create the New Elements:

Right click on the application and select to create a new element..


Create the element using the “Bind to DDC element (data Dictionary)

Us the DDIC element CRMT_SRV_SERWI to bind the Service Profile

Remember to SAVE and Activate

Execute the same steps for CRMT_SRV_ESCAL


Now you will see the Data objects created and activated


Create the Decision Table:

Now you need to create the Decision Table, right click on the application and select Expression—>Decision Table..


Create and navigate to the table

Now you need to define the columns.


Insert a new column from the Context Data Objects.

Select the Application SOLMAN and add the fields that you want to use for the assignation, for this example we use PRIORITY and CATEGORY


Now you need to add the Result Columns


In this case we use the objects created previously (CRMT_SRV_SRWI and CRMT_SRV_ESCAL)


Now you need to add new data to the table, you need to select the insert Icon

In this example we add 2 entries with different sets Priority and Service Profile


Create the Function:

Now you need to add a function, Right click on the Application and then Select Function


Create the function and navigate tothe object

Now we add the Data objects that will be used for the function, in the tab signature select Add Existing Data Objects.


Add all the objets found in the SOLMAN Application (This allow you to use different  columns in your decision table.


Now we need to define the Result data object , select Create in the action button.


Create a new Structure object to allow you to pass the 2 values

In the new structure, click in Add Existing Data Objects


Select the Application ZSLA and add the 2 new objects created in the previous steps.


Remember to SAVE and ACTIVATE


Create the Ruleset:

Now is time to create a new RuleSets, you need to select your Function (Blue pyramidal Icon) and then the Assigned Rulests tab, then click on “Create RuleSet”


Define the new name


After create the Ruleset you need to create a new Rule, to do that, you need to Click on “Insert Rule” and then in Create


Now write a description, and then select in “Then –> Add”, the option “Process expression—>Select..”


Now select the decision table created before


Now you need to SAVE and Activate.


Development Part

To implement this part you need to ask your development team for support,  you need to create a new PPF Action (you can replicate the configuration of the action ZMIN_STD_FIND_PARTNER_FDT).

Create a new implementation for coping the implementation ZAI_SDK_TEAM_DETERM and using the function module ‘CRM_SERVICE_I_READ_OW’ and CRM_SERVICE_I_CHANGE_OW to update the Incident

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