Upload Excel data to SAP: 7 best practices
Upload Excel data to SAP: 7 best practices: Even if SAP provides standardized business processes and centralized data warehouses, many company data remains in spreadsheets. Entering data into these spreadsheets and SAP is one of the challenges facing business IT departments. Many business units
When you enter data manually with errors, you waste resources by manually re-entering this data in SAP. IT technology and functional analysts are awash with requests from business users to automatically load Excel data into SAP.
o SAP business users trying to reduce the volume load of manual data entry or make large-scale changes to SAP data, especially if the data already exists in Excel?
o Are IT features or technical analysts looking for ways to respond more efficiently to end-user upload data requests?
o you looking for ways for your company to save time and resources in SAP data management?
If you answer any of these questions, you will need this article. This article describes seven best practices for automating Excel loads.
Convert data to SAP. By adopting these best practices, you can mitigate many of the problems business users and IT analysts face when uploading Excel data to SAP.
Upload Excel data to SAP: 7 best practices
- Avoid programming.
If you have multiple non-scheduling options available to connect Excel and SAP, custom scheduling by ALAP or VB is an absolute last resort when loading temporary Excel data into SAP. It’s not just programming,
Expensive and slow, programs that are used only once a year or only once are particularly wasteful. In addition, creating a powerful program requires a lot of testing, and if the program is not well tested, it can be dangerous and cause irreparable data corruption.
Use non-scripted or non-programming methods whenever possible. Third-party tools, such as BDC, CATT, LSMW, and Winshotel TxSuttle from SAP, can greatly block programming.
2. Do not load directly into the SAP table. This is obvious, but it is
You can’t overemphasize it. No data is required to write directly to the SAP table.
Validate, check, and balance that occurs when data is created
Normal SAP trading. Therefore, do not use the method written directly to SAP.
The data must be loaded through a pre-configured SAP or MAPI transaction. One more time
Tools such as BDC, CATT, LSMW, or Tx Super include:
Instead of writing directly to the SAP table, the data is created through SAP transactions.
3. Select logs, maps, and execution policies. Record, map, and execute policies
In general, you must first publish SAP transactions that require data.
crawl. The record step is followed by the SAP assignment step and data
The fields captured during recording are mapped to the Excel field. At last
Repeat transactions with different levels of data.
Create an Excel file. Record, map, and execute policies
Run macros to automate general tasks.
The advantage of choosing to register, map, and enforce policies is (a)
Very common, can work well, many different loading tasks and many
Even if there are different SAP trades, custom trades, (b) it’s easy
Save a lot of time by making intuitive methods and lots of data updates (c)
Even enterprise users can do something on their own without having to
A lot of IT support.
To load data from Excel, you must use records, mapping, and enforcing policies.
sap. SAP again offers tools such as BDC, CATT, and LSMW to support full compatibility.
It can be applied to such policies and many different loading applications. this
The TxSuttle tool greatly simplifies map recording and mapping tasks.
This is easier for business users. In addition, the required application
Use titles and line items, such as logs, to upload transaction data
Tx super tools such as documents, invoices, purchase orders, and sales orders,
This is a very useful feature.
4. Choose how to meet SOX security and compliance: Be sure to choose one.
Maintain sap role-based security and ensure security. nowadays
The Cerbagens Oxley (SOX) audit cannot be overstated. Key aspects
Article 404 is that inspection rights and debts are allocated separately.
So that no individual has the right to transfer the business,
They trade fraudulently One of the most common open SOX audits
The problem is that IT users have very extensive access to the product
Sap data. Therefore, to facilitate SOX compliance, large-scale changes or loads
Ideally, this should be done by an available business user
Make changes.
Enable business users to load through the load provided by SAP
Trade-based tools will require additional approval to use these
tool. If your company is unable to provide such approval, use it.
Winsuttel’s Tx Shutter products may be more suitable as they live outside
Primary SAP systems typically do not require additional permissions.
5. Keep the data in its native Excel format. If you still have data to upload
It is not converted to native Excel format, comma-separated, or .
Tags outline text file formats and make the upload process much easier. 1
Users are not too worried about the procedure.
Winsuttel’s TxSuttle product allows users to retain data.
Native Excel format.
6. Select external methods: Two ways to enter external data
Input to SAP: (a) Backward input approach in data import tool
Used to enter external data into external SAP methods (b)
Use tools that live outside of SAP to enter external sap data. 1
The internal external approach typically requires all scripts and data import programs.
You must update the SAP version to perform live in SAP.
Update the script even if it has only been used once. Therefore, these are unique uses
Scripts can overwhelm the SAP system when using input and output approaches. outside
This method provides a cleaner alternative,
Security profile.
Microsoft and SAP Joint Product Mendocino Announced
The importance of both companies to external companies has recently been verified
method. Other add-ons, such as Tx Shutel, are also externally included
How to connect to SAP.
Enhancing business users: Finally, one of the best practices
Increase the load on business users to load Excel data into SAP
oneself. Choose the right tool for your business users.
Easily load data without programming.
There’s still a long way to go for empty IT resources to increase mission-critical applications.
Sox-compliant to give business users control over their data
Easy-to-use products like Winshutl’s tx shutter do business
Users upload their Excel data to SAP to allow permissions for that data.
Business users.
In other words, it is recommended here to load Excel data into SAP best practices.
This includes choosing a programtable and easy-to-use approach.
Save more time and resources on your daily sap data