Customize the Fiorified BI Launchpad in BOE 4.2
Starting from BI 4.2 SP4 it’s possible to use the new Fiorified Launchpad, which is a great enhancement of the current BI Launchpad.
At the begining i started by reading the very good Blog bharath.b.n
Fiorified BI Launchpad in BOE 4.2
Which goes through the details of the fiorifed Launchpad and the Settings needed to be done.
Now while having the new look but not being able to use it is as of now not possible customize the look of the new Launchpad; i started looking how can we change at least the Color and the SAP Logo i.o. to make it ready to rollout.
In my first blog i’ll share with you my findings and will give you first hints how you can do this.
This is only a workaround until we have the final solution from SAP, everyone who has alreay worked with the Fiori Launchpad knows already the UI Theme Designer, so i hope that SAP will deliver same tool in order to customize everything in the new Launchpad.
As said, my goal was only to change the blue colour to grey and the company logo.
I’ll not go through every thing, so if you want you can modify the css files as per your requirement.
Note: before starting, please make sure you make a backup of the files you’re going to change. |
There are 2 css Files which i came accross which you can find in this folder:
- Homepage.css
- Logonpage.css
.. omcatwebappsBOEWEB-INFeclipsepluginswebpath.Bingwebcomsap ingcss
Place your Company Logo in following Folder i.e. here ‘company_logo.png’:
.. omcatwebappsBOEWEB-INFeclipsepluginswebpath.Bingwebcomsap ingimages
Now you have to change the following Classes:
In the Logonpage.css
Note: the width and height here correspond to the Height and Width of your Logo
.BILP-Logo { width: 140px !important; height: 31px !important; top:0.75rem !important; bottom: 0.75rem !important; left:1rem !important; right: 1rem !important; position:fixed; background-image : url("../images/company_logo.png") !important; }
Change the Background Color:
Note: Change the linear-gradient or put your own CSS to change the background.
.BILP-launchpadbackground{ background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom,#ffffff,#cccccc); opacity: 1; background-repeat: no-repeat; background-position: center; background-size: cover; }
In the Homepage.css
Note: Change the Width and Height as per your Company Logo
.BILP_logo{ padding-left: 0.5rem; padding-right: 45px; max-height: 2.5rem; max-width: 6rem; vertical-align: middle !important; height: 31px !important; width: 140px !important; /* position: relative; */ top: 6px; margin-left:0.5rem !important; background-image: url("../images/company_logo.png") !important; }
Note: please clear your browser cache , otherwise you’ll see no difference after doing the changes. |
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