Dear All,

Here I am going to tell you how to add fields in Standard Report MB51, so that they can appear while executing it or on selection screen.

Fallow the Path

SPRO >> IMG>>Materials Management>>Inventory Management and Physical Inventory>>Reporting>>Define Field Selection for Material Document List

Click on “Define Field Selection for Material Document List”

MSEG:Document Segment: Material or simply list of material document.

MKPF:Header: Material Document

So in SE11 or in SE16N you can check which filed you want in MB51

Now, press Push button New Entries

eg: SGTXT i.e Text field in MSEG.

on the extreme right side you are watching  two columns. Selection Field and Output field, so here you have luxury of selection as well as display only. After this save in request and transport it.

The SGTXT Field is found in the item>Where tab in MIGO

Now after this configuration when you will run MB51 you will have this filed

so this way you can add fields in MB51, you can also take the help of SAP Note: 357187

Thanking you!

Ashish Mishra

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