You want to start a Web Dynpro ABAP Application from the Fiori Launchpad. You find the popular docment This describes the official way to add a WDA Application to the Fiori Launchpad. This is very diffcult. You’ll need many steps to reach the goal:

  • customize lpd_cust
  • create an semantic object
  • use the floorplan designer
  • create a pfcg role

This blog describe an easy way to do the same. You on only need two tools:

  • floorplan designer
  • pfcg role designer

1. Fiori Launchpad Designer

Use transaction ‘/UI2/FLPD_CUST’ to start the Fiori Launchpad Designer. Create a new Catalog ‘Test’. Use this button

for creation.

Continue with Save.

Create a new Tile.

Select ‘App Launcher # Static‘.

Uncheck ‘Use semantic object navigation’ and insert the relative location from your Web Dynpro Application in the field ‘Target URL’. In this example we use the demo application DEMODYNAMIC. The relative link of this Application is: ‘/sap/bc/webdynpro/sap/DEMODYNAMIC’ (also see path in transaction ‘SICF’). Enter a title of your own choise. Enter a Icon of your own choise.

Save the tile and you will see your new tile.

Now create a group ‘ztest’. Select the tab ‘Groups’:

and for creation for the group use th button:

Enter Title ‘ZTEST’ and ID ‘ztest’.

Continue with ‘Save’. Now you have to add a Tile of a catalog. Select the catalog ‘ztest’ and add the tile ‘DEMODYNAMIC’ by pressing ‘+’.

2. PFCG role designer

In this step you must assign you Fiori catalog and Fiori group to a role.

Start the role designer with the transaction ‘PFCG’.

Create a new role ‘Z_FIORI_TEST’ and select tab ‘Menu’.

Add the group ‘ztest’.

Add the catalog ‘ztest’.

Assign your SAP User and save the role.

Start the Fiori Launchpad by using transaction ‘/UI2/FLP’.

Click on the tile and your Web Dynpro Application starts in a new tab ????

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