This post shows one possible way to create the list of SAP BO LCM jobs using the SAP BO BI Universe in SBOPRepositoryExplorer.


Some required components:

  1. SAP BO BI 4.x Platform;
  2. XML file with predefined CMS query;
  3. IDT to configure SBOPRepositoryExplorer connection and the universe;
  4. WebIntelligence to create the document.

For this example I’m using SAP BO BI 4.1 SP2.

Create CMS query for LCM Jobs:

We can create an XML file with next content:


LCMJOBS     LCM Jobs     SELECT SI_ID,                     SI_CUID,                     SI_NAME,                     SI_DESCRIPTION,                     SI_OWNER,                     SI_OWNERID,                     SI_PARENTID,                     SI_PARENT_CUID,                     SI_PARENT_FOLDER,                     SI_PARENT_FOLDER_CUID,                     SI_RECURRING,                     SI_CREATION_TIME,                     SI_DESTINATION_CMS_NAME,                     SI_DOC_SENDER,                     SI_ENDTIME,                     SI_FLAGS,                     SI_INSTANCE,                     SI_JOB_EXPORT_FILE_NAME,                     SI_JOB_STATUS,                     SI_NEW_JOB_ID,                     SI_SCHEDULE_STATUS,                     SI_SOURCE_CMS_NAME,                     SI_STARTTIME,                     SI_STATUSINFO,                     SI_UPDATE_TS                 FROM                     CI_INFOOBJECTS                 WHERE                     SI_KIND=’LCMJob’     SI_ID,               SI_CUID,               SI_NAME,               SI_DESCRIPTION,               SI_OWNER,               SI_OWNERID,               SI_PARENTID,               SI_PARENT_CUID,               SI_PARENT_FOLDER,               SI_PARENT_FOLDER_CUID,               SI_RECURRING,               SI_CREATION_TIME,               SI_DESTINATION_CMS_NAME,               SI_DOC_SENDER,               SI_ENDTIME,               SI_FLAGS,               SI_INSTANCE,               SI_JOB_EXPORT_FILE_NAME,               SI_JOB_STATUS,               SI_NEW_JOB_ID,               SI_SCHEDULE_STATUS,               SI_SOURCE_CMS_NAME,               SI_STARTTIME,               SI_STATUSINFO,               SI_UPDATE_TS     INTEGER,                         VARCHAR(100),                         VARCHAR(256),                         VARCHAR(256),                         VARCHAR(50),                         INTEGER,                         INTEGER,                         VARCHAR(100),                         INTEGER,                         VARCHAR(100),                         BIT,                         TIMESTAMP,                         VARCHAR(256),                         VARCHAR(50),                         TIMESTAMP,                         INTEGER,                         BIT,                         VARCHAR(256),                         VARCHAR(256),                         INTEGER,                         INTEGER,                         VARCHAR(256),                         TIMESTAMP,                         VARCHAR(256),                         TIMESTAMP     NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC,                 NOFUNC



Configure Universe Connection attaching the XML file:

To attach our XML file definition to our universe we must create an universe connection in IDT into a project, for example:

Create the Universe:

After connection configured we can create the Data Foundation and Business Layer:

Test the Universe:

When universe is already created we can do a test before publish to CMS:

Publish Universe to CMS:

After test we can publish to CMS:

Create report in BI LaunchPad with WebI:

After published the universe we can use in WRC and in BI LaunchPad:

and the report can be like:

Thanks and enjoy.

Jorge Sousa

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