HowTo… Configure a new HANA search view for MDG-M
If you use SAP MDG-M on SAP HANA you hopefully use the HANA search capabilities which gives you a lot of advantages. SAP ships some standard search views which includes a lot of attributes from different tables/MDG entities. Hopefully these standard views are already pretty close to what you need in your implementation project.
In case you want to create your own SAP MDG HANA search view you can go through the official guides (e.g. MDG_Config_BP_90_SP00.pdf).
In addition you will find a simplified explanation in this blog. It explains the needed steps including screenshots. My example creates a very simple and basic search views which includes only some MARA/MATERIAL related attributes and fields and the material description.
Step by Step Guide: Configure a new HANA search view for MDG-M
Goal: Create your own MDG search view for MDG-M.
Version: SAP MDG 9.0
Step 1: Copy a standard search view to your namespace
- In SAP GUI start transaction mdg_hdb_gen_ui (or navigate through MDGIMG)
- Scroll down to MM MDGM_MM_ORGS and copy this view to ZMDGM_MM_BASIC
- Define a Description: This will be the text which appears in the drop down for the search providers in the end user viewend user view:
- Click on Next to “Select Entities and Attributes”: Deselect all Entities except attributes on MATERIAL level and BSCDATTXT
Click on NEXT and SAVE and GENERATE
Step 2: (optional) – Verify correct generation
- Go to MDG IMG and “Define Search Applications
- Select HA line and click on “Allocation of Search…” on the left hand side.
- Scroll down and double check that the new entry exist
Info: The FPM Communicator is implemented in a way that it automatically picks all valid search views. Valid means: define in this customizing view and generated successfully.
Step 3: Test the new search view
- Go to NWBC and test the new search
- You will find the new view in the drop down
- Dependent on the Entities and attributes you selected in former steps the system offers the corresponding attribute search options.
- Info: You can influence the sorting of the search methods (if you have multiple MDG HANA Search views created) with description defined in the mdgimg view.
Step 4: Change and extend the new search view to your needs.
- Now you can start in Step 1 and change the settings for the selected entities and attributes to your needs.
Hope this blog helps you getting familiar with the SAP MDG HANA search.
Best Regards
Please read as well the official guides because some more details might have to be taken into consideration such as:
- Filters for OBS:
You must set filters in the SAP HANA staging views to exclude records that have the obsolete indicator set. Identify all the Obsolete Indicator flags. The fields corresponding to the obsolete indicator flags in each table of a staging view have the technical naming convention USMD*_OBS_* or USMD*_O_*. Select the obsolete indicator in the Details section of the staging view, right click and select Apply Filter. In the Operator field select Not Equal and in the Value field enter X. - For material search you must set filters in the SAP HANA views for the material-related long texts stored in the database table MDGHDB_LONGTEXT.
- more in the official guides
BTW: Thanks to Stefan Geiselhart for helping creating this blog.
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