Logsegment full in SAP system with ASE Sybase / No connection to database, session terminated
In SAP system with database Sybase ASE some times shows the following errors,
* Dispatcher stop in SAP MMC
* when login using GUI shows, No connection to database, session terminated
* Cannot login through SAP GUI
dev_0 log shows ——> ***LOG BY0=> [ASE Error SQL1105][SAP][ASE ODBC Driver][Adaptive Server Enterprise]Can’t allocate space for object ‘syslogs’ in database ‘SID’ because ‘logsegment’ segment is full/has no free extents. If you ran out of space in syslogs, dump the transaction log. Otherwise, use ALTER DATABASE to increase the size of the segment.
This is because of “Syabase Logsegment, syslog full, we should clear logsegment to resolve this issue”
Login to server with “SYBSID” user,
Goto command prompt
Use the following commands for login to Sybase Databse,
> isql -Usapsa -Ppassword -SSID -X
– Usapsa – user sapsa
– Ppassword – Password of the sapsa user
– SSID – Your system SID
To clear logsegment use the following commands,
1> use master
2> go
1> dump transaction tempdb with no_log
2> go
1> dump transaction sybsystemdb with no_log
2> go
1> dump transaction sybsystemprocs with no_log
2> go
1> dump transaction sybmgmtdb with no_log
2> go
1> dump transaction saptools with no_log
2> go
1> dump transaction saptempdb with no_log
2> go
1> dump transaction model with no_log
2> go
1> dump transaction SID with no_log
2> go
> exit
Restart your SAP system,
Hope it helps you….
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