MDG 9.0 Upgrade: Technical Challenges and Resolutions
This document describes the technical challenges that we faced during the upgrade from MDG 7.0 to MDG 9.0 for a customer and their resolutions.
Authors: Bijal Parmar & Swati Aras
This document covers the below topics:
1. Make Notes Mandatory
2. Tax Jurisdiction
3. High Processing time for Details Button
4. Stacked UIBB: The applications using the application configuration BS_MAT_OVP_06H, are not displaying stacked UIBBs
5. Custom Entities does not display any data
6. Application Configuration for material is changed to BS_MAT_OVP_06 and BS_MAT_OVP_06H in MDG 9.0
7. User not able to see the search helps for the fields.
8. Cross Entity BRF Rules not working in MDG 9.0
1. Make Notes Mandatory
For MDG 7.0, we made a change in CL_USMD_CR_MASTER-> IF_FPM_GUIBB_FORM~PROCESS_EVENT, to make notes mandatory.
With MDG 9.0, we have an option to make notes mandatory based on the action taken by the User using MDGIMG Configuration.
However, this does not have the SUBMIT action “00”.
For submit action we have modified the method PROCESS_EVENT of class CL_USMD_CR_MASTER and added the below code (within insert).
2. Tax Jurisdiction
Tax Jurisdiction TXJCD not updating in MDG9 front end for business partners (customers and vendors) of Brazil and India.
Note: This happens for creation of customers and vendors for Brazil and India.
Sample below for customer for Brazil
Here are the steps.
- Finance Customer Creation
- Enter data.
- Enter tax jurisdiction code. Select drop down.
4. It does not update the field
- You can also try entering the data explicitly,
However, when you click check, it goes blank again.
Solution: Implement SAP Note 2324939
3. High Processing time for Details Button
Takes very long time to open the next screen when we click on Details button.
Steps to Reproduce the issue:
Create a new change request example to change an existing material.
Click on edit then click on details
It was taking around 9 mins to open the details page
For disabling the option “collapsed” for UIBB MDG_BS_MAT_MATERIAL_FORM_04, we have removed it from MAT_SECTION and added it to a new section.
4. Stacked UIBB: The applications using the application configuration BS_MAT_OVP_06H, are not displaying stacked UIBBs
The applications using the application configuration BS_MAT_OVP_06H, are not displaying stacked UIBBs even though the column stack flag is checked.
Go to NWBC, and click on /nwbc.
Under Material Governance, click on the link ‘Change Material Global Data’.
Search for the material and click on the material number in the Result List.
The UIBBs are displayed one below the other, even though in the configuration we have checked the flag ‘Stacked’.
Click on BS_MAT_OVP_06H. Select the adaptation.
The column stack checkbox is checked; still the UIBBs are not stacked.
5. Custom Entities does not display any data
For MDG Material we had created three custom entities ZEXC_CLNT, ZEXC_COMP and ZEXC_PLNT. After Upgrade to MDG 9.0, we are facing an issue that these entities are “Read only”. In addition, it does not show any values from Reuse area (UIBBs for entities are blank).
- Implement note 2383856
- Check wiring is created for custom entities. Since we re-created the CBA after the upgrade, we also need to do the wiring again for all new entities.
6. Application Configuration for material is changed to BS_MAT_OVP_06 and BS_MAT_OVP_06H in MDG 9.0
In MDG 7.0:
Application Configuration:
BS_MAT_OVP_05: For Creation Process
BS_MAT_OVP_05H: For Change Process
In MDG 9.0:
Application Configuration:
BS_MAT_OVP_06: For Creation Process
BS_MAT_OVP_06H: For Change Process
So, after Upgrade the existing links on the MDG UI will give dumps as they point to old application configurations.
- Change the application configuration in LPD_CUST to 06/06H.
- If you had existing CBA/Enhancements, then we need to re-create them in new application configuration.
7. User not able to see the search helps for the fields.
Screen in IE11.
- Empty search-help examples
IE11 vs IE lower version
- Messy Launchpad
- Kindly refer to the IE11 Release Note 1903267, which summarizes the IE11 restrictions and recommendations for SAP NetWeaver UI Technologies.
- 2207387 – Unified rendering for SAP_UI 750
- 2026791 WEBCUIF IE11-Standards mode
- 2019878 F4 help popup not displayed properly in IE11 non-compatibility mode
- 2391908: LPD: Launchpad links not rendered correctly
- 2258696 WDA: Search results are not visible in F4 help
8. Cross Entity BRF Rules not working in MDG 9.0
We have created BRF rule for deriving Purchasing Group and Scheduling margin key. It works fine in MDG 7.But after upgrade it does not work. The values get derived only when we change something in the entity.
Purchasing Group not derived in MDG 9.0. (CR created a draft, add new plant to same CR and replicate the issue OR you can also use another material using Search, steps are given below)
Search FERT material. Then click on a material number
Click on Edit
Add a new plant in plants UIBB, then click on details
Issue : Purchasing Group did not derive. This was working in MDG 7. After Upgrade to MDG 9.0 , it gets derived only when we change something in that UIBB.
It is derived only when we change something in that UIBB, example tick the “Post Inspection Stock”, when ticked Purchasing Group gets set to P04.
Related BRF Rule:
In MDG 7.0
For entity MARCBASIC, the feeder class parameters had no values.
In MDG 9.0
For entity MARCBASIC the feeder class parameters had “MARCBASIC”. In this case, only derivations for MARCBASIC will be executed when a new plant is added. Other entity derivations are executed only when there is a change in that entity.
If no entity is specified the derivations for all entities of node (here MARC – plant) will be called.
Hence to enable the derivation for purchasing group to be derived when we add a new plant, we can add MARCPURCH to feeder class parameters of MARCBASIC or remove all the entities from it.
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