Routing Common FAQ’s
Introduction :
This document gives in sight on Routing Common FAQ’s which are faced by users.
FAQ 1: Whenever routing is created or changed using CA01/CA02 tcodes existing group number is displayed on the screen. User while creating/changing the routing for new material tend to make changes with different group number.
Refer the below config to clear the group number automatically from Routing screen.
In Tcode OP8B for routing ‘N’ un-check ‘TL’ Checkbox as displayed in the below screen shot.
FAQ 2: In Routing screen certain fields are required as mandatory fields. For Eg: Revision level as displayed below.
In such cases required config to be done at tcode OP5A: PP task lists: initial screen -> Revision Level -> Transaction code -> Tick Required
FAQ 3: Planned Labor Cost is not displayed in production order. But if operations are entered manually in order operation details screen then planned cost is displayed.
- Check the control key maintained in routing. Control key should have Cost tick.
- Check for the operation in operation details screen under general data Cost Relevency = X (100% Relevent for costing)
- If control key is marked with cost and cost relevency for the operation is not marked as X, then planned labour cost will not flow on order.
FAQ 4: There are four operations 0010,0020,0030 and0040, out of which 0030 is not applicable for costing.
Define new control key in OP67 and uncheck cost. Assign this control key in routing for the operation 0030.This operation will not be relevent for costing run.
FAQ 5: Routing is available for the material but while converting planned order to production order could not be created with Message as “No Routing Found”.
Go to CA02 – Routing Header data and check the status and change to 4 (Released -general). If status is 4 then only system will consider the routing while converting planned order to production order.
FAQ 6: Where to see Routing change documents.
Routing change documents can be viewed in tcode CA61.
FAQ 7: To change the font for the long text in CA01 and CA02.
Refer SAP note 1822618 – How to change the font for long text in transactions CA01 or CA02
FAQ 8: User tries to replace the PRT then long text in the replaced PRT is incorrect.
Refer SAP note 913039 – Tr CA01/ Ca02 : Incorrect long text after Replacing the PRT.
FAQ 9: BAPI for updating Routing.
Refer SAP note 1644841 – Is there a BAPI to Update Routings?
Refer /SAPMP/BAPI_ROUTING_PROCESS for changing the Routing Operations.
If you like to see Overview on Notes in Routing Application area refer SAP note 71595 – @1B@Search help for notes regarding routings
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