SAP REM full cycle scenario with basic step
Repetitive Manufacturing(REM)
Company manufactures product in large numbers and production is quantity based and period based not order based.
- Repetitive manufacturing is mainly used for the production scenarios with high product stability, high repetition rates, and low product complexity.
- In master data production versions and cost collector is must where this is not mandatory in discrete manufacturing.
Application Areas:
Industry Type: Mechanical engineering, Consumer goods, electronics, and many more
- Tact-based Flow manufacturing
- Period based production
- Mass production
Difference b/w Discrete and REM
REM Prerequisite
- REM Profile
- REM Indicator
- Production Version
- Product Cost Collector
SAP REM Full Cycle scenario
Basic Data:
- Plant : TAJA
- Company Code : 1000
- Storage Loc : TA01
- Material created :
Sir No |
Material |
Material Type |
1 |
2 |
3 |
Repetitive manufacturing profile to control how you want to carry out planning and back flushing in repetitive manufacturing
Basic control parameter of the REM Profile
- Whether you want to backflush activities.
- Whether you want to work with reporting points in make-to-stock REM
- How you want to process errors which occur when back flushing
Create the REM Profile:
SPRO Production Rep manufacturing Control Data Create REM Profile Assistant (T-Codes: OPP3/OSP2)
With help of the REM profile assistant create the Make-to-Stock REM Profile “TJ” (REM Profile for plant TAJA) here GI backflush at GR posting check mark and RP backflush is mandatory/Optional(as per requirements)
- Here Planned order reduction period is given 3 , so In this period system reduces all planned orders and run schedule quantities in the period
- Here below mention all movement type set for the REM profile TJ
- Create the finished material Air coil with Repetitive mfg. indicator and REM profile TJ maintained in material master see view MRP -4 , ( MM01)
- Please create and maintained the BOM(CS01) and routing/Rate routing (CA01/CA21)
- Rate routing for top material Air Coil and assigned control key to the operation see in below pic, (T-codes: CA21), here control key using for UK01 and UK02 for operation. (Standard SAP control key with milestone confirmation is PP01)
- Create the Control key UK 02, with ‘milestone confirmation’ with help of the T-codes OP67.
- The milestone confirmation is a special form of confirmation, in which the confirmation of one operation causes other operations or suboperations to be automatically confirmed at the same time.
- Create the Production version T777 for finished material(Air coil) with help of material master change (MM02), and in Selection method put indicator 2 or 3.
- Production version is combination of the BOM and Routing/Rate Routing. Overview of the production version T777, more than one production version created as per requirement and make sure current prod. Version not locked.
- As per REM profile selection for the product cost accounting
There are two different type of cost accounting exit.
- Standard cost estimate per material.
You can create this cost estimate once in a period with reference to a routing. You can post activities on the basis of this cost estimate if you produce a material using only one production version in one period.
Using T-code: CK11N do the standard cost estimate for current date and period, And release this standard cost estimate through T-code: CK24.
- Preliminary costing for the product cost collector.
You can create this cost estimate per production version. This makes sense if you produce one material using different production versions and routing in one period.
Using T-code:KKF6N for create Preliminary cost estimation in REM.
- Here we selected preliminary costing for the product cost collector in REM profile
- Create the Plnd.Ind.Reqmnt(PIR) for the finished material Air coil with help of the T-code: MD61
- See the below pic of the stock requirement list after generating the demand without run MRP. (T-codes : MD04 )
- After run the MRP with help of the MD02 for finished material(Air Coil), MRP element is RS and order type is PE
- In REM, we can do backflush(REM Confirmation) through planned order or finished material using MFBF, here we selected the planned order
- Checking with Post with correction in tool bar of REM confirmation page before saving and get the detail information of the all transaction variant with all detail.
- After saving system posted GR and GI document(As per REM profile setting GR and GI done at same time)
- After the confirmation of the both planned order, good receipt done automatically and available stock is 20. MD04 Screen
- With help of the Document overview on MFBF tab, we know the detail of the GR and GI transaction, and with help of the Reverse tab we can reverse the process of movement and material back to the stock.
I prepared this document for the understand the basic step of the SAP REM process, and i hope this document helpful to clear the basic concept of the REM process.
Request to expert please correct me if any thing missing or wrong in this document.
Umesh Mali
SAP PP-QM Consultant
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