SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Manufacturing Planner(SAP 3D VEMP)
All new SAP 3D Visual Enterprise Manufacturing Planner (SAP 3D VEMP) is available now as part of SAP Visual Enterprise Product Engineering offerings. Here are some details on the capabilities of this product and the value that this can bring to the customers.
Typically, in a discrete industry scenario once the product design is finalized, product designer proceeds to create the Bill of Material (BOM) specifically for the engineering usage called Engineering BOM (EBOM). The next level is to hand-over the same to manufacturing. Thus conventionally in a product design cycle Manufacturing BOM creation is almost the last step. But it is in no way a trivial task. Hand-over of Bill of Material (BOM) to Manufacturing is a very important and crucial activity. Considering the logistical impact of a Manufacturing BOM data, it is very critical responsibility as well. Traditionally, in SAP it is triggered either by a back-ground job or through a manual BOM creation through traditional BOM maintenance transactions.
However, the manufacturing engineer needs the freedom to create these Manufacturing BOM’s by flexibility re-grouping the parts and assemblies and be able to add other parts that are needed for assembly/packaging processes etc., He should then be able to assign the relevant process routings for effective consumption in the shop-floor. Being able to do this with the help of product visuals is always icing on the cake. This flexibility can help to virtually simulate the visual data which can be used to create visual work instructions. Now with SAP 3D VEMP all of this and more is possible.
BOM Handover to Manufacturing (Manufacturing BOM creation) is an activity involving many subjects such as documents, materials, process routings, work instructuions etc. It typically involves the following actions.
• To view the EBOM structure ->The input structure could be a document structure/Product structure (with/without variants) / Project Work Breakdown Structure BOM (WBS BOM)
• To regroup of assemblies with different material numbers
• To add more components to manufacturing BOM structure
• To simulating the Manufacturing BOM structure visually
• To create Manufacturing BOM’S with/without visuals
In addition to the above basic features, SAP 3D VEMP offers the following additional functionalities
• Assignment of process routes & operations to assemblies/parts
• Ability to navigate to create Quality notifications, control plans and change inspection plans
• Ability to create visual simulations that can be detailed out to make work instructions through visual author tool
• Not limited to manufacturing BOM, VEMP can create BOM’s for any pre-configured usage (Sales/Proto-type/..)
• Material extensions to plants on the fly
• Comparison of manufacturing BOM to EBOM and highlight unplanned BOM’s
Customer Value-add
Synchronization of EBOM and Manufacturing BOM structures is always treated complex. However, customers can leverage SAP 3D VEMP for the following benefits.
• Structural changes can be identified clearly & quickly and resolved easily
• One single system that handles the data right from .rh (light weight) file generation from PLM to work instruction/visual service manual creation for dealers
• Simplifies the Change management on product/document structures
• Solution is scalable to handle different data input scenario’s (Document structure/product structure/EBOM/WBS BOM etc.,)
• Access to logistical objects such as routings, Quality inspection plans, control plans etc.,
• Additionally, the ability to deploy the standard solution with just one single configuration setting explains the level of simplicity of this solution.
Thus manufacturing engineer gets to do all the activities pertaining to BOM hand-over to manufacturing in a single work bench. If the input structure has associated visuals, then the user can also play-out the simulations in the user defined routing sequence.
Find a quick snippet of the capabilites of SAP 3D VEMP presented in the below vedio.
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