Updated: October 2017

SAP Fiori 2.0 is available for S/4HANA 1610 including the new visual theme, Belize.
With the next version of SAP Business Client (6.5, planned released in Q2/2017+SAP GUI for Windows 7.50) the new theme will be supported.

See: SAP Business Client 6.5: Released!

Integrating the latest version of the Fiori launchpad into SAP Business Client with the launchpad connection type, you can add a lot more than only the apps in your assigned catalogs on the frontend server.

You can add native SAP GUI for Windows transactions directly from your user menu to the Fiori launchpad. Just use the pin within the launchpad editor.

That is, simplify your tiles and target mappings.

SAP BC with the new visual theme, Belize (Lab Preview).

Or you can even add all apps in a system, no matter if they were assigned to the user, or if the user has access to them. These are the apps that a user would find in the SAP menu in SAP Logon when logged in to a specific system.

Documentation (help.sap.com)

Compare with former versions (UI Technology, blog)


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