Applies to:

SAP NetWeaver Business Warehouse (formerly BI) – SAP BW 3.5 & 7.x. Versions.




The article articulates the step by step procedure for the generation of the COPA DataSource at the ECC R/3 back-end level along with Delta mechanisms and talk about the few challenges faced while extracting the data during implementation.


Table of Contents:

1. Introduction

2. Following is the Scenarios with explanation:

     a. Generating the COPA DataSource,

     b. Issues/Errors faced while extraction and building the Summarization Levels,

     c. Transporting the Summarization Levels to the next level,

     d. Delta mechanism and how it works, and

     e. How to change the safety interval limit for COPA DataSource

3. Describing the Test Scenarios

4. Related content




In one of the project we had implemented the COPA DataSource at ECC back-end. The main purpose is to extract the data and feed to a BODS interface.

Initially we had generated the COPA DataSource using the standard procedure and while extracting the data in RSA3, unable to extract the data due to few issues at ECC R/3 back-end level. Therefore describing the such scenarios in this document. 

Test Scenario:

Part – A). Generating the COPA DataSource:


Below are the simple steps for generating the COPA DataSource.


Basically COPA DataSource generation is a generic extraction and we can create the generic DataSource depending on the KPI’s for the Profitability Analysis.

Go to T-Code:

SBIW –> Settings for Application-Specific DataSources (PI) –> Profitability Analysis –> Create Transaction Data DataSource –> Create a DatSource.


KEB0 –> define the DataSource with the necessary details as below.

Generally, we use the naming convention for the COPA DataSource is: {1_CO_PA_(SYSTEM ID)_(CLIENT)_(OPERATING CONCERN)}.


Select the Operating concern and choose the option Costing/Account-based (as per the business requirement), execute (F8).


If the COPA DataSource is “Costing based” then it will extract the data from below four tables:


CE1XXXX – Actual line items

CE2XXXX – Plan line items

CE3XXXX – Summary table

CE4XXXX – Segment table

where “XXXX” is the Operating Concern.


Or if the COPA DataSoure is “Account based” then it will pull the data from the following tables:

COEP & COBK – CO Object: (Line Items (by Period) & Document Header)

COEJ – CO Object: Line Items (by Fiscal Year)

COSP & COSS – CO Object: (Cost Totals for Internal & External Postings)

CE4XXXX – Segment table


Select the below fields which you want to display/as a part of the DataSource.


Note: When we generate the COPA DataSource basically the Data Structure (Characteristics and Value fields) is based on/proposed by the Operating Concern (OC).

{If we want to check/view the total number of fields based on the Operating Concern and other etc. details. Then, Go to the T-Code: KEA0.

The T-Code: KEA0 is used for to maintain/create the Operating Concern.}


After field selection, check & choose the InfoCatalog (F7) option for the DataSource generation. 



Then provide the Transport Request number and select the fields for the input selection.



Click on Save button.

DataSource “1_CO_PA_COEP” created successfully.


Note:  After generating the COPA DataSource, we will not be able to edit/enhance the COPA DataSource. In-case if we need to add the new fields, then we need to delete and recreate the DataSource again using the same naming convention.


Go to the T-Code: RSA3 and try to extract the data.



Part – B). Issues/Errors faced while extraction and building the Summarization Levels:


In some situations, you might get the following issues during the data extraction in RSA3:


Case. 1: During the data extraction probably you will get “0” records in RSA3. Or



Case. 2:  The DataSource is giving an below error while extracting the data in RSA3.


‘Errors occurred during the extraction’ (Message no. RJ012).



or check the error logs.



In order to overcome from this error, we need to define/maintain the following few steps.


Go to the T-Code: KEB0 and check if the Summarization Levels are maintained or not using option (CTRL+F3).



Or directly Go to the T-Code: KEDV (CO-PA: Maintain Summarization Levels). Select the Operating Concern.


And then, check the Summarization levels are maintained or not. If not, then choose the option to create entries (F5).


While creating the Summ. Levels, kindly consult with your functional consultant for more details/about the requirement.


Come back and select your Summ. Levels.



Choose the Characteristics option and assign the characteristic Values ‘*’ or  ‘etc… value’ as below.



Save the entries and assign the TR.



Now, the status of Summ. levels are Active, without data.


Then, Go to the T-Code: KEDU (CO-PA: Build Summarization Levels) refill the same using below option.


Select your Operating Concern (AA00), Type of Profitability Analysis “Costing-based (1) or Account-based” (2) and Choose Summarization Level (1 to 2).



Choose the option Rebuild/Build new levels and Execute (F8).



Again Go to the T-Code: KEDV and check the status of Summ. levels. now the status is Active with data.



After refilling the Summarization levels, Go to the T-Code: RSA3 and extract the data.


If still issue occurs then, Go to the T-Code: SE38 and run the Report program “RKETREGN” (Summarization Levels: Generate Tables for Summarization Levels) generate the same.



And again Go to the T-Code: RSA3 and extract the data.



Now data are available.



Part-C). Transporting the Summarization Levels to the next level:


Now transporting the changes/settings to the other system/next level. Go to the T-Code: KE3I (CO-PA: Transport tool) to collect all settings in the TR.



Execute (F8) it and mention your both TR Customizing and Workbench TR.



Select the relevant object classes and continue (OK).


Release the TR from SE09. Go to the T-Code: SCC1 (Client Copy – Special Selections), basically this T-Code is used for to import the TR from one client to another client within a system, for example: ECCCLNT800 (Pre-DEV) to ECCCLNT900 (DEV/QUA system).


Note: Check if the above transport procedure is applicable in your case. Otherwise, follow the normal transport procedure for transporting the objects from one system to another system, for example: from development (DEVCLNT100) to quality (QUACLNT500) system.



Part-D). Delta mechanism and how it works:


The COPA DataSource is based BW Delta process type: CUBE” (InfoCube Extraction).


Note: The BW Delta process type “CUBE” is exactly similar as “ADD”.


Explaining the Delta mechanism of “ADD/CUBE” with below example and how it works.



When BW Delta process type: ADD –> which provides the additive Image.

A simple Doc Number as below: Existing Target document’s quantity value is 30.


Document Status Quantity U/M
11111     O 30 KG

Now let’s assume the quantity has changed from 30 to 40 in the SAP ECC source.

If the DataSource is based on ADD/CUBE: it will bring only additive image i.e. quantity as 10.


Document Status Quantity U/M
11111     O 10 KG

In the final target it will reflect as below: adding the value (30+10 = 40).

