Thread-Dumps and Heap-Dumps for SAP CPS
Thread dump is invaluable to troubleshoot performance issues of SAP CPS.
You could refer to the following SAP notes to create it.
- On SAP NetWeaver 6.40/7.0x version
710154 – How to create a thread dump for the J2EE Engine 6.40/7.0
- On SAP NetWeaver 7.0+ version
1095473 – How to get a full thread dump in AS Java
Also, in order to keep the best performance for SAP CPS,
SAP strongly recommends installing SAP CPS on a dedicated SAP NetWeaver J2EE system,
because other productive applications (like Solution Manager, CRM, Portal, etc.) running on the same server
can cause spurious application fail-overs and performance reductions, especially on SAP NetWeaver Clusters.
It is preferred that SAP CPS is installed on single node due to the extensive use of caching in order to reduce database load
and increase performance.Only if you need the HA functions of SAP NetWeaver AS JAVA you sould install it on a dual cluster environment.
(From SAP note 1161405)
Heap dump is good for memory analysis of SAP CPS.
You could refer to the following SAP notes to create it.
- On SAP NetWeaver 6.40/7.0x version
1004255 – How to create a full HPROF heap dump of J2EE Engine 6.40/7.0
- On SAP NetWeaver 7.10 version
1289240 – How to deal with out of memory errors
Best regards,
Gao Feng
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