Use Talend to Sync Data from MySQL to HANA (Part I)
This document would introduce the basic function of Talend. We would use this ETL tool to sync data from MySQL to SAP HANA Database. Here is Part I.
Open Talend and create a project
1. Unzip Talend Open Studio you downloaded from Talend official site to your local folder;
2. Click “TOS_DI-win32-x86.exe” to start the studio;
3. On the first run, you could choose to import the Demo Project or create a new one. This time we could create a new project for the tutorial. Input the project name “SAPBlue_Project” and click “Create” button.
4. A wizard window will pop up. Input the description and click “Finish” button.
5. Select the project you just created and click “Open” button.
6. The registration window pops up. You can just click “Skip”.
7. The studio is opened.
Create a Job
1. Let’s create a new “Job” by click the hyperlink.
2. Input the Name/Purpose/Description and click “Finish”.
3. The Studio is fully opened for the new Job.
Create DB Connections
1. Expand the “Metadata” in “Repository” window.
2. Right-click and choose “Create connection”.
1. Input the general information.
2. Choose “MySQL” in the “DB Type” dropdown list and input the server information.
3. Click “Check” button to make sure your configuration is right and then click “Finish”.
4. Right click the connection and select “Retrieve Schema”.
5. Click “Next” and then select two tables as following.
6. Click “Finish”.
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