If you know SAP, chances are you know about SAP HANA.

Perhaps you know HANA inside and out, or maybe you just have an idea of what it is, but that’s the extent. Maybe you’re thinking of using HANA, or maybe you are using the HANA database solution, but haven’t quite learned to use it to its full capability. Or maybe you have just purchased HANA and are trying to figure out the best way to implement.

Wherever you are in your HANA journey, SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud (HEC) is absolutely something to take into consideration and may even be your next step, whether you are just considering a proof-of-concept, or if you are ready to implement and need to reduce the upfront costs.

Greg Smith, VP of HANA/In-Memory Services at SAP explains more about HEC and what it means to your business, in his informative webinar, Bridging the Execution Gap with SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud. Here’s a short synopsis of the presentation to get you better acquainted with HEC and ready to learn more.

What is HEC?

HANA Enterprise Cloud was announced this year at SAP’s annual SAPHHIRE event. In short, HEC is a 100% SAP owned and operated private cloud offering for hosting and managing SAP HANA solutions. HEC delivers the power of in-memory technology with the speed and flexibility of the cloud. The HEC technology is scalable, enterprise ready, mission critical, secure, and fully managed.

HEC helps minimize upfront capital expenditures – there is no need to purchase hardware and you can choose to receive end-to-end support. It is a way to ensure that your IT department isn’t overextended and that all the resources you need are within reach.

So, What Isn’t HEC?

HEC isn’t just the opportunity to lease hardware from SAP, so let’s get that notion out of the way. And it’s not a solution that will leave you hanging.

HEC removes a lot of the upfront cost and helps you get the most out of HANA. It ensures that it meets your business needs by providing a range of services to help you every step of the way. Since there can be  uncertainty around how to best leverage a cloud environment, SAP provides critical assessment and advisory services to set the project up for success, and services to seamlessly support the migration and run phases well.

Some of the key benefits of HEC include:

  • Since SAP has created from the ground up, the deployment mechanism used is designed and optimized for a HANA environment
  • There are deep pool of experts in the HEC offered by SAP services
  • It is a dramatic accelerator for HANA projects because it removes barriers to entry such as data centers without a modern infrastructure, removes the need for hardware upgrades, takes places of internal resources, and can keep within a limited budget
  • There are various solutions to meet your business needs (read more about HEC solutions here)
  • HEC is low-risk

Register to listen to Bridging the Execution Gap with SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud, presented by HANA subject matter expert, Greg Smith, VP of HANA/In-Memory Services at SAP and gain insight as to how SAP HANA Enterprise Cloud can work for you.

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