Connecting to database without being bound to it (Single Sign On)
Hi everyone,
I’d like to share with you a way to connect to databases in the SLD that you are not bound to.
A condition to this is that the ‘Disable Logons with SAP Business One User Accounts’ setting should be unchecked.
When single sign on is not enabled, we see the full list of companies available in the SLD when at the choose company window.
When single sign is enabled, we only see the list of databases we have been bound to in the choose company window.
Example, out of the four databases shown above, if I am only bound to database NoBins, I would only see that.
However, even though I am not bound to the other 3 databases, I can still login to them manually.
If I type in the database name as shown below with a valid user ID and password, it will allow connection.
I can see below that although I am logged into database NoBins2, there is no binding setup for the manager user.
As soon as I update the binding and click refresh on the choose company window, the database becomes available.
This was developed using SAP Business One 9.2 PL03 and concludes the document.
I hope it helps you, and please ask any questions and/or provide feedback.
Kind Regards,
Nick Lakasas
New NetWeaver Information at
Very Helpfull