Day3-Yasar’s Sabbatical / Sustaining the Love and Passion
I have written some time ago on my linkedin page an article which had this title: ‘Don’t Hire Passionate People’: Don’t Hire Passionate People! | Yasar Yilmaz | LinkedIn
As I have been trying to digest the business life around me over the last 18 years based on my experience at companies I have worked for and customers I have engaged with, I have come to a conclusion that hiring passionate people could be bit of a double-edged sword. Why? In my article I have explained the pros and cons of hiring passionate people for organizations not mature enough to leverage such talent in detail. You can see some of my observations on the link above, yet I will not get into the particulars of that topic in this blog.
The more I work with Hapinoy, Mark and the team, I come to a realization even at short notice that my hypotheses may not be applicable for the social entrepreneurs, or socially driven micro enterprises. Mark is on fire anyway, but let me talk a little bit about the team.
Energy, overflowing.
Eyes, glowing.
Humbleness, and even shyness…all over the place, in their blood.
Eagerness to learn, in their hearts.
Uneasiness to hear something they may not be doing right or good enough., it is in their faces. Not because of a fear factor, it is because they have put their hearts into it and curiosity to hear what can be done better is an exhilarating experience for them.
Readiness to put that unease at ease and hear you out clearer (yes, my funny sentences as usual!:-)), right around the corner…they want to know why, and how…
Enthusiasm to talk, and listen…yes, put a check mark on that too!
Looking at their manager as a leader, yes…an authentic connection, I can feel it.
Passion, yes for sure.
So? What now?
What can we Learn from Social Enterprises, Social Entrepreneurs?
This is the big question and I am working with the team diligently to experience this on the side, as our key goal is to make Hapinoy happy with our deliverables and help them help the economy of Philippines with their beautiful vision and mission. But like anyone else, I have an evil masterplan ???? Just kidding…I want to learn and grow as a person too of course!
Have I learned anything so far? Yes, and let me share with you in brief:
1-Shut up and listen…this was explained to us in our prepwork, and I understand the value behind it deeper.
2-Engage while you throw probing questions to your client, do not discourage, do not disengage.
3-Make your points with exemplary anecdotes and stories.
4-Look people in they eye, and try to reflect that light back at them.
5-Move your audience from strategy to tactical details back and forth. Give them the big picture, let them think, get to the details and rise up again. Do this in an iterative manner, make their brains itch and let their passion be fired up to catch up with you while at times you are trying to catch up with them.
6-Try to feel their passion.
7-Feel their genuine reasons behind what they do.
8-Follow how their eyes look up and down when they are answering you and do not see this as any form of inferiority or lack of confidence or lack of knowledge, but rather as an authentic gesture to accommodate you as as respectful guest first, and somehow as someone who can think with them, think for them and sometimes think beyond them.
I am genuinely anxious this much for the first time with a client… working with anyone, any entity with a rather grandiose developmental ambition for their country is something that can only be fuelled with passion and knowing this, to be honest makes me feel more responsible than ever.
Feeling the authentic presence of passion is pure joy for me.
Thank you Hapinoy team!
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