The new SAP way will move from IDOC to EnterpriseServices.

A good case is the Vendor (BusinessPartner) Interface on S4. There it is a must.


On SAP side, you will easily find the description of the Service.

But how to fulfil the wonderful big xml-structure?


This example shows the field combination for creation of supplier.

On PI side you need the FOUNDATION SC and create a normal SOAP (XI3.0) Scenario to ERP.


One hint: in general, all of us will have problems to understand the inbound requirements for the proxy class. So a easy way is to create a outbound as first and check the payload on ERP by using SXMB_MONI.


The UUID is mandatory but most Sender can not provide this in the Input message.

We use the PI message id:


If you want to enable MDG you have to do the MDG customizing and enable the BADI.

The ESR Web Service used to create a Business Partner in our scenario is called BusinessPartnerSUITEBulkReplicateRequest_In. In order to leverage this Web Service to automatically create a change request and key-mapping in SAP Master Data Governance , the method INBOUND_PROCESSING of BAdI MDG_SE_BP_BULK_REPLRQ_IN in Enhancement Sport MDG_SE_SPOT_BPBUPA has to be implemented.



METHOD if_mdg_se_bp_bulk_replrq_in~inbound_processing.   DATA ls_user_setting TYPE mdg_user_proxy_setting.   DATA lt_user_setting TYPE mdg_user_proxy_setting_t.   DATA lv_crtype TYPE mdg_sup_change_req.   if in-message_header-business_scope-id-content = ‘Value-From-Payload’.     ls_user_setting-field_name = ‘PROXY_PERSISTANCE’.     ls_user_setting-field_value = ‘1’.     APPEND ls_user_setting TO lt_user_setting.     ls_user_setting-field_name = ‘SUPPLIER_CHANGE’.     SELECT SINGLE usmd_creq_type INTO lv_crtype FROM usmd1601 WHERE usmd_process = ‘SUP1’. *     ls_user_setting-field_value = lv_crtype.     APPEND ls_user_setting TO lt_user_setting.     CALL METHOD cl_mdg_bp_bupa_si_in=>if_mdg_upload_proxy~setup_for_file_upload       EXPORTING         iv_instance      = 1 *       IO_UPLOAD_DIALOG =         it_user_setting  = lt_user_setting.   endif. ENDMETHOD.

For copy the payload:


EN[email protected]2000-01-012099-01-01+41 71 688 87 87CH2000-01-012099-01-01CHBottighofen8598Mueligaessli 1+41791033553CH2011-01-012019-01-01falseAD_NMBDEFA2000-01-012099-01-01truehttps://bmt-consulting.chHPG


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