SAP PI custom adapter module – store multiple attachments
In a business scenario, a group of users send attachments to one mail-id. They can send multiple attachments per mail. So, here, we need to find out a way to extract all attachments with their original names from a mail and store it in some folder.
Using Sender-Mail adapter, we read mails with attachments.
For storing attachments to specific sap application directory, we use Receiver-File Adapter along with a custom java adapter module.
Note: Receiver-File-Adapter can store only 1st attachment, so, we create a custom adapter module for this channel which will store multiple attachments to folder.
Sender/Receiver Communication channels can be referred from below link:
- SAP PI mail attachment to file
Pre-requisites to create a custom java adapter module form SAP PI 7.11 is as below:
- SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 7.1
- Java Runtime Environment 1.6 (Jre 1.6)
- SAP library (or jar) files for required for module development
- :
/ext/ - com~tc~logging~java~impl.jar :
/system - :
/services/ - :
/services/ - r :
/interfaces/ -
- :
- Include above jar files in the library classpath of SAP Netweaver Developer Studio 7.1 via below steps:
- Navigate to Windows → Preference → expand “Java” → select “Classpath Variables” → Click “New” to create a new variable entry: PI_AF_LIBS →
- NwceTool
- This will help to convert EAR files to SDA files
- It uses JRE 1.6
Java Adapter Module Code:
- Below java adapter module code is been written to achieve below functionality:
- Get SAP- Directory path location with external module input variable ‘SapDirPath’
- and Code is as below:
/** * */ package; import java.rmi.RemoteException; import javax.ejb.EJBException; import javax.ejb.SessionBean; import javax.ejb.SessionContext; import javax.ejb.TimedObject; import javax.ejb.Timer; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.Iterator; /** * @author User * */ public class MAttachToDirBean implements SessionBean, TimedObject { /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbActivate() */ public void ejbActivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbPassivate() */ public void ejbPassivate() throws EJBException, RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#ejbRemove() */ public void ejbRemove() throws EJBException, RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.ejb.SessionBean#setSessionContext(javax.ejb.SessionContext) */ public void setSessionContext(SessionContext arg0) throws EJBException, RemoteException { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } /* (non-Javadoc) * @see javax.ejb.TimedObject#ejbTimeout(javax.ejb.Timer) */ public void ejbTimeout(Timer arg0) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub } public void ejbCreate() throws javax.ejb.CreateException { } private SessionContext myContext; MessageKey amk = null; public ModuleData process(ModuleContext moduleContext, ModuleData inputModuleData) throws ModuleException { Object obj = null; Message msg = null; String SapDirPath = null; try { obj = inputModuleData.getPrincipalData(); msg = (Message) obj; amk = new MessageKey(msg.getMessageId(),msg.getMessageDirection()); Audit.addAuditLogEntry(amk, AuditLogStatus.SUCCESS, "JAM-MAttachToDir| Custom-Java-Adapter-Module (localejbs/MAttachToDir) to store mutliple attachments to directory"); //Get user-input as a "module.key" parameters from communication channels //Input-1: 'SapDirPath' to get folder path where attachments will be stored SapDirPath = (String) moduleContext.getContextData("SapDirPath"); Audit.addAuditLogEntry(amk, AuditLogStatus.SUCCESS, "JAM-MAttachToDir| Directory Path input (SapDirPath)= " + SapDirPath); //Get the input attachment from the source message) Iterator itr = msg.getAttachmentIterator(); while(itr.hasNext()){ //handle attachment Payload payload = (Payload); //get attachment name String atchnm = payload.getContentType(); //this gives output like "application/octet-stream;name=""fnam1.csv" atchnm = atchnm.replaceAll(""", ""); //replace all quoteString (i.e. ") with blank int i1 = atchnm.lastIndexOf("=") + 1; String atchmntNm = atchnm.substring(i1,atchnm.length()); Audit.addAuditLogEntry(amk, AuditLogStatus.SUCCESS, "JAM-MAttachToDir| Attachment found as " + atchmntNm); //Write file to directory byte [] inpbyt = payload.getContent(); File path = new File(SapDirPath + "/" + atchmntNm); FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(path); fos.write(inpbyt); fos.flush(); fos.close(); Audit.addAuditLogEntry(amk, AuditLogStatus.SUCCESS, "JAM-MAttachToDir| " + atchmntNm + " copied to folder " + SapDirPath); } }catch (Exception e) { ModuleException me = new ModuleException(e); throw me; } return inputModuleData; } }
Steps to Create Java Adapter Module:
- Create an EJB project in “SAP NetWeaver Developer Studio 7.1”
- Assign project names to the EJB and EAR projects
- EJB Project Name: MAttachToDir_EJB.
- EAR Project Name: MAttachToDir_EAR (check the option to add EAR project).
- Click “Next”.
- Choose the correct EJB version.
- Configure Module Project as → SAP EJB J2EE 1.4 Project.
- Choose the EJB Module → 2.1.
- Click “Next”.
- Uncheck the flag to create the EJB client jar interfaces.
- Click “Finish”
- Please note, 2 projects will be created, an EJB project (MAttachToDir_EJB) and an EAR project (MAttachToDir_EAR).
- Create an Enterprise Bean in the EJB project
- Right-click on the “MAttachToDir_EJB”.
- Select: New → EnterpriseBean.
- Create the package and class for the EJB project
- EJB Name : MAttachToDir
- Bean Type : Select the dropdown “Stateless Session Bean”.
- Give a default EJBPackage:
- Uncheck option : generate default interfaces.
- Check option : add optional interfaces.
- Click “Next”.
- Assign user-module interfaces: Use the following values to assign to the parameters in the screen below:
- Remote interface :
- Home interface :
- Local interface :
- LocalHome interface :
- Uncheck option : Service End point
- Click ‘Finish’
- Examine and verify the content of ejb-jar.xml
- On the left panel, navigate: EJB project → ejbModule → META-INF.
- Double click on the “ejb-jar.xml”.
- When the “ejb-jar.xml” is displayed on the right panel, select the “Enterprise Beans” tab at the bottom.
- Expand “Session Beans” and select “MAttachToDir”.
- All the local and remote interfaces should be displayed.
- The “Service endpoint” should be empty. If not, then go to “Source” and edit the tag “
”with blank value -
- Enter the JNDI name in the ejb-j2ee-engine.xml
- On the left panel, double click on the “ejb-j2ee-engine.xml”.
- “Ejb-j2ee-engine.xml” will be displayed on the right panel.
- Expand “Session beans” and click on “MAttachToDir”.
- Enter the JNDI Name: MAttachToDir.
- Save the file.
- Include external libraries in the EJB project so the java class can be compiled
- Right click on the EJB project.
- Navigate to “Build Path”.
- Select “Configure Build Path”.
- In the Properties dialogue box, click the “Add Variable”.
- Select the variable, “PI_AF_LIBS”, created earlier
- Click on “Extend”.
- Enter the code for “MAttachToDirBean”
- Copy and paste code from above to below project file
- Delete the package containing the Local and Remote interfaces from the build
- Expand the “build” folder in the EJB project.
- Delete all the folders created under build → classes → com → sap -> aii
- Do not delete ” build → classes → com → sap -> adaptermodule”
- Configure the EAR project: The EAR file contains the following:
- JAR file created from the EJB project.
- It has configuration information of the libraries, services and interfaces that will be used by the user-module in the EJB.
- It contains the SAP manifest file, which has unique identifiers for each specific EAR. The manifest information is generated uniquely each time it is modified.
- Steps to Configure EAR:
- Expand the EAR project.
- Double-click on the “application-j2ee-engine.xml” file.
- In the right panel, click on the “Reference” and then on the “+” sign to “Add Elements”.
- Click “Create New” in the dialog.
- Add below elements as given in table
Reference target Reference type Reference target type Provider name hard service engine.j2ee14.facade hard library hard service hard interface hard library hard library - Check the option “Failover Mode”.
- Save the file.
- Exporting SAP EAR File
- Right Click on EAR project -> Export -> SAP EAR File
- Custom java adapter module has been created as EAR file “MAttachToDir_EAR.ear “
Steps to Covert EAR files to SDA Files using NWCE-Tool:
- From above steps, java adapter module EAR file “MAttachToDir_SDA.ear” gets created.
- To use this module in SAP-PI, we need to convert it in to SDA file format with “.sda” extension.
- Pr-requisites for EAR to SDA file conversion:
- Java Jre1.6 Check Java Jre1.6 Directory (here C:Program FilesJavajre1.6.0_01)
- nwcetool Copy nwcetool folder in to C:NWDS
- Any local Windows system
- Command line steps for EAR to SDA file conversion:
- cmd>cd
wcetool - SET JAVA_HOME=C:Program Files (x86)Javajre6
- nwcetool.bat
- createsda -n MAttachToDir -v -l MAttachToDir -c 2 -type J2EE C:UsersUserDesktopLOG_jAMMAttachToDir_EAR.ear C:UsersUserDesktopLOG_jAMMAttachToDir_SDA
- Where
- createsda -n JNDI-Name -v Vendor-Name -l JNDI-Name -c 2 -type J2EE Source of EAR_file_path Destination ofSDA_file_Path
- Now rename file “MAttachToDir_SDA.ear” to “MAttachToDir_SDA.sda”
Steps to Deploy SDA files in PI-Server:
- SDA File deployment using Telnet in SAP-PI:
- Place the sda file (MAttachToDir_SDA.sda) in directory ‘/usr/sap/trans/EPS/in/’
- Update the file ‘/usr/sap/trans/EPS/in/deploylist.txt’ with the file to be deployed
- Use below commands
- telnet localhost
- Username:
- Passwrod: <*******>
- deploy list=/usr/sap/trans/EPS/in/deploylist.txt version_rule=all
- telnet localhost
- Post Deployment, SDA file gets extracted in below SAP-PI’s folder path, having folder name as of JNDI-Name ‘MAttachToDir‘
- /usr/sap/
/ /j2ee/cluster/apps/
- /usr/sap/
- In SAP-PI’s NWA, we can check deployed modules as below:
- SAP-PI’s NWA url: https://
: /nwa - Go to -> NWA -> Problem Management -> Java -> JNDI Browser Operation Management -> System -> Start & Stop -> Java EE Applications
- SAP-PI’s NWA url: https://
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