SAPinsider Presents BI 2015, Basis & SAP Administration


SAPinsider Presents BI 2015, Basis & SAP Administration: This event will explore how we can now bring together transaction data, conversation data and machine data to create new and disruptive business models. Technological innovation is accelerating faster than ever, causing market dynamics to constantly change. These new innovative technologies are serving as the backbone of growth, profitability and competitive advantage across all industries. Customers now expect real-time data in a user-friendly app, which puts pressure on organizations to stay competitive in the market place.

            By attending SAPinsider 2015 you have a unique opportunity to learn from peers, partners and SAP experts. Tap into new strategies, in-depth education and obtain critical updates on SAP Technology.


This year’s conference will include:

  • An independent expert’s guide to navigating SAP reporting and analytics tools – today and in the future
  • A strategic and technical guide for the most up-to-date SAP BI roadmap
  • Case studies on the benefits of BI and SAP HANA
  • Information sessions on big data, cloud, and mobility technologies


Date: March 9–12, 2015

Location: MGM Grand Hotel & Casino | 3799 Las Vegas Boulevard South | Las Vegas, Nevada 89109

Register Now !                                                                                                                    

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