Search corrections CW36/2017
Hello Everyone,
During the registration of a software component (SWC) for the program-based transport, a check takes place to determine whether programs of the SWC to be registered are already locked/ contained in a transport request. If this is the case, the system issues a relevant message. However, further popups are displayed and a full generation is possible, which is incorrect. Refer to note 2530371 – SNOTE: Full generation of SWC possible despite locking of SWC in transport
Sometimes, the task list job log contains information messages like the following “ODP XYZ cannot be transported. Manual transport required” (RODPS 079)
It has been all explained in note 2526862 – RODPS 079 messages in task list job log (STCTM_*) from ODP colleagues.
During the execution of the task list SAP_ESH_RESET, a runtime error can occur in class CL_ESH_CO_ID_CONVERSIONS. It was corrected in note 2528688 – Error in task list SAP_ESH_RESET.
You are searching on an ESH connector with a long, multi-part search entry that contains multiple phrases separated by double quotation marks.
The ESH search terminates with the runtime error REGEX_TOO_COMPLEX. Please refer to note 2523291 – ESH search with long search term – multiple phrases: Runtime error REGEX_TOO_COMPLEX
In the case of a cross-client instantiation, the ESH proxy for SAP HANA accesses (administration) is sometimes instantiated incorrectly. You can implement note 2522725 – ESH proxy for SAP HANA accesses: Error for cross-client instantiation.
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