Using Reference Number to Potentially Optimize Matching Proposals
Using Reference Number to Potentially Optimize Matching: The key to setting up Bank Statement Processing (BSP) is to optimize the ability to increase automatic matching on importing bank files.
Since the three reference fields, Ref. 1, Ref. 2 and Ref. 3 are used as BSP matching fields in both AR/AP Invoices and Incoming/Outgoing Payments, flexibility in assigning values to these fields is useful in that it can subsequently enable a higher match rate to specific imported and correctly mapped bank statement information.
It should therefore be noted that SAP Business One supports the ability to set each of these three reference fields to a range of possible values on creating AR/AP Invoice and Incoming/Outgoing Payment documents.
These fields can be set in the following window – by double clicking the row handle of a document in the “Reference Field Links – Setup” window it is possible to control the value that will be posted into the document rows for each of the three reference numbers:
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